Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Employment law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

usance law - Research Paper ExampleLastly, the candidates should provide references (Wrycza 150). After submitting the job application form, the applicants wait for the terse listing of successful applicants who will have to undergo an interview. The interview format refers to how the interview is going to be conducted. It should be pre-planned. The interview program and questions should be written in advance to save time and reduce embarrassment. Questions that ar non permissible should be exempted. For example, religion, race, tribe, inheritable information, marital status, nationality origin and arrest records. Candidates may excessively be required to fill an E.E.O.C form. However, this should not require information that can lead to discrimination for example, race, dis major power, genetic information, religion or pregnancy. Successful candidates should affirm their readiness to remain by the conflict of interest insurance policy for the company. This will include all areas of their responsibilities towards the company. Employees should sign the employee acknowledgment form prior to employment. This states that they are ready to abide by the companys rules and safety policies they have read. Outside employment According to Burton (123), there is an outside employment policy that guides on employees having an outside employment. They are allowed the outside employment on condition that it does not interfere with their performance in their duties. These include CACFP-related responsibilities. It should also be done off the catamenia employers premises and outside the employees functional work schedule. Job post policy There are policies that guide and protect both the employer and employee postemployment. The Family Leave policy grants employees to take a family deviate after functional for at least one year with minimum of 1250 working hours within the 12-month period prior to the leave application. The Family pregnancy policy entitles materni ty leave for expectant mothers. The sexual harassment policy aims at maintaining a working environment that is void of any form of sexual harassment. Allegations of sexual harassment are interpreted seriously and legal action taken against the accused be it a fellow employee or the employer (Sunshine colony 7). The harassment policy provides for the maintenance of a working environment that is void of any form of harassment. Complains of such(prenominal) should be urgently treated as grievances Personal appearance is important. All staff employees should be becoming and clean while on duty. Attention should be paid on grooming, cleanliness and tidiness in hair, apparel and general personal hygiene. Employees must present a good professional outlook. In the manufacturing job, dust coats are won. However, they should be clean and neat. The E.E.O.C. provides that no one should be denied employment on discriminatory grounds. These include disability, race, sex, years among others. A ll applicants must have equal opportunity to employment. The handicap/ disability policy requires that persons with disabilities should not be denied employment, promotion, transfer or be discriminated against due to their disabilities as along as they can demonstrate ability to cope and perform in the employment. Medical examinations should only be conducted after employment. No employee should also be fired to their medical conditions or disabilities that may be revealed from this. The human resource department issues out the current benefits sheets to employees. Benefits entitled to employees may

Monday, April 29, 2019

Persuasive research paper on hate crimes Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Persuasive on abominate criminal offenses - Research Paper ExampleIn this paper, hate crimes go out be discussed and why these crimes should receive a higher sentence than crimes that were not incite by bias.Hate crimes are committed as a result of bias or bigotry, which is both inherently, wise(p) behaviour (Spillane, 1995 from Steinberg et al, 2003, Card, 2001). Crimes are generally based on a victims race, sexual orientation, religion, disability, ethnicity, theme origin (Torres, 1999) or gender (McPhail and DiNitto, 2005). Hate crimes encompass crimes from murder to vandalism, the common link being that they were motivated by bias. Most hate crimes are committed by a group of people and orient property though some target individuals (Steinbery et al, 2003).Hate crimes are often carried out as a result of a number of prejudices which are difficult to pinpoint exactly. They can often have a domino effect in that one act of violence can be given to many more. This was the su bject in the hate crimes that ensued after the September 11th attacks on the USA (Steinberg et al, 2003). Hate crimes can lead to a culture of fear and hostility in society and gnaw away at the textile of society. They not only when affect individual victims but target society as a whole. They will tend to have upsetting and persistent effects on the families of victim, institutions to which they belong and they communities which they are from (Hutson et al, 1997 from Steinberg et al, 2003).Hate crime has persisted in America for quite a while (Steinberg et al, 2003). However, the title of hate crimes has is a socially-constructed idea that has only happened recently (McPhail and DiNitto, 2005).1. Thought hate crimes often target individuals, they are actually an attack against a occurrence group of people and are to send a message to that group (Hutson et al, 1997,Downey et al, 1999, Mannat et al, 1994 from Steinberg et al, 2003)2. The motivation for the attack on a particular i ndividual is generally a feature

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Management accounting and control (s-12 -1-4)) Coursework

forethought accounting and control (s-12 -1-4)) - Coursework ExampleIn this control model, there are several actions that ought to be subjected to control as argued by Otley and Berry (1980). In their argument, the authors point out four conditions of control. i. Existence of clear fundamental laws objectives ii. The outputs of the budgetary process should be measurable iii. The effect of the control actions must be predictable iv. The organisation should be able to instrument a corrective action throughout the budgetary process. Existence of clear organisations objectives Management of public and large surreptitious organisations is sometime hard to attain the desired ends. Activities and various operations should be monitored closely and action should be taken in order to achieve the intended objectives. Objectives drive an organisation in pursuing any activity. It dictates what ought to be done at specific period of time. An organisation has objectives and secondary objective s that influence its course of actions. Setting clear objectives is one of the functions of modern counselling both in private and public sector. Measurement of goal attainment both financially and in terms of meeting demands of stakeholders is paramount. The hack of goal attainment cannot be achieved without confronting the issue of organisations effectiveness and efficiency, which means have devolve effect on organisations budget (Bunce et al., 1995). The extent to which clear objectives apply in the mount of budgeting As suggested by Otley and Berry (1980), objectives for budgetary process under control must exist other than without them the control process is meaningless to the organisation. Well defined objectives compel an organisation to work without certain election and time constraints. Most organisations well-nigh the world defined their objectives which ought to be achieved within budgeted resources. The objectives act a guide to the utilization of the existing reso urces as reflected in the budget. The authors further suggest that the budgeting control process is influenced directly by the objectives to be attained during a specified period of time. It is demeaning for organisation to spend its resources on unbudgeted things since it exit undermine the attainment of well defined objectives. Without objectives, the budgeting process will be aimless hence the stainless concept of budgetary control becomes inappropriate. As the business operations progresses, an organisation continually monitors the world around and compares its current state with its objectives. Is the organisation in the correct route in respect to its budgeting process? Is its expending within the appropriate budget limit? Is the organisation avoiding resource strain? The objectives helps an organisation makes a budgetary observations by the use of measurable aspects of budget. The outputs of the budgetary process should be measurable Most literature support for adoption o f performance based budgeting (PBP) as a primary way of attaining efficiency in the management of public resources. The sole aim of this concept is to link performance information with effective management and apportionment of public or organisational resources. It emphasizes the significance of singling out measurable outcomes and effectively allocating resources to facilitate the realization of these outcomes. According to Otley

Saturday, April 27, 2019

WORKPLACE SECURITY AND WORKER PRIVACY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

WORKPLACE SECURITY AND WORKER PRIVACY - Essay instanceOf them 20 enactments relate to Minimum Wages, which are prescribing wage increases $0 .25 every year, bringing the wage levels in some States to $ 8.00 per hour. There are conditions imposed on employers non to include in this, tipped hire beyond $ 3.00. Besides this, 18 amendments relate to Workplace Security, 12 to Time off and 11 to tether categories, viz., Prevailing Wages, Wages Paid and Worker Privacy.In this essay, let us go into the impact of these both legislations, in the current business scenario, particularly with an organization providing customer service call centers for multiple organizations hardened in 5 other States and 6 cities in India.Workmens compensation legislation prescribes compensation for employment injuries and the employers state is well defined in that respect. But, in the case of Workplace violence, besides the fact it is a corky culture deteriorating the organizational image principally, the employers liability in terms of damage and legal remedies is beyond ones comprehension.In light of the doctrine that employer is responsible for the employees conduct affecting a third party, who may be a fellow employee, customer or even a casual visitor, the employer is basically obligated to ensure that there is no scope for work place violence, particularly caused by the conduct of the employee.The law extends further more, in the sense, hiring and retaining a person who is likely to cause violence, will also put the employer into jeopardy. The potential application of remissness actions to cases where an employee has been caused injury by harassment at work was confirmed in Waters (AP) v Commissioner of patrol for the Metropolis 2000 IRLR 220. The House of Lords held that if an employer knows that acts being done by employees during their employment may cause physical and kind harm to a particular fellow employee and he does nothing to supervise or prevent much(prenomi nal) acts, when it is in his power to do so, it is clearly arguable that he may be in give out of his duty of care to that employee.Equality and Human Rights Commission, 03-03-2009 ()Employers can be found liable for negligent retention for not terminating an employee who has violated company policy on workplace violence. Or, if an employer failed to perform a thorough background find on an employee who proves to be a safety threat, an employer could be liable for negligent hiring.Correy E. Stephenson, Lawyers USA.BostonOct 23, 2006.( ) The learned Judges shit pronounced that employers owe potential customers a legal duty to use due care in retaining an employee who attends to those customers, as in the case Watson v.City of Hialeah. In this case a marital counselor had

Friday, April 26, 2019

Report on Religious Field Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Report on Religious Field Research - stress ExampleConversely, conferring to Islam, jihads are of different types and they are also non-violent. Jihad is also Jihad bilnafs, ones tussle with ones self is among the most essential kinds. Jihad bilnafs includes regularly striving to suffice and deal with our animal desires.Safeguarding Muslim women from the oppression of Moslem conduct is considered one of the pet assembling exclamations of the folks who reflect Islam to be a force of evil. Similar to several new(prenominal) offenses incorrectly accredited to the expose of Islam instead to the specific people who initiate them, biased handling of women is also measured to be the Islamic way of treating female folk. Keeping to the side the spiteful publicity, the cause behindhand this error is perhaps the full point that Islamic educations about the part, everyday jobs, rank, position and conduct of females are referred to in accordance to the practices and beliefs of the western world. If cryptograph else, Islam freed the women in Arabia by openhandedly granting them human rights which were disregarded for most of the era that time in most nations. many Christians come to believe that Jesus and also other prophets are not thought of as Prophets or Gods messengers by the people of Islamic faith. A hasty analysis of Quran or other Islamic works of prose display that Muslims reminisce all of the Messengers talked about in the Judaic and Christian Books with point esteem and respect. Theindicationof Jesus has been in Quran in numerous spaces.Religious narrow-mindedness is tall on the name of charges counter to Muslims and Islam. Numerous non-Muslims trust that Islam is not tolerating towards different religions and beliefs and that it instructions to its followers is to slay wholly the non-Muslims. Associating the activities of a minority of corrupt people with the wisdoms of Islam in regard

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Mobile Phone Buying Behaviour in the UK Research Paper

Mobile Phone Buying Behaviour in the UK - Research Paper exampleThis withdraw looks at the secureing behaviour of unstable name customers in the U.K. using analysis of subsidiary research data to test the hypothesis that such behaviour is lucid. Based on findings from the latest yearbook industry survey conducted by the Communications Management Association of the U.K., feedback on a consumer website (www.ciao.co.uk), and a refreshen of relevant literature on mobile phone buying behaviour, the study concludes that U.K. consumers exhibit predominantly thinking(prenominal) characteristics. Buying decisions, however, are affected by hedonic factors that are stirred up in nature, and also by other considerations such as age group, financial capability, and the capabilities and image of the mobile phone model macrocosm offered. Consumer decision-making therefore combines the acute assessment of the phone plan, the perceived service quality, and the phones technology.2. To determine which of the following features have greater influence on the customers decision to buy a mobile phone the plan (tariffs, free minutes, cyberspace coverage, etc.), the phone itself (capabilities, image, or advertising), customer service, or a combination of any or all terzetto factors.Conventional marketing theory predicts that buying behaviour of mobile phones follows a rational crop because a mobile phone is a high-technology product, it is useful, and it is a personal item that a consumer has close at hand for legion(predicate) hours during the day.The study aims to test the hypothesis that the mobile phone buying behaviour is rational.Proving our hypothesis would mean that customers who buy mobile phones follow a rational decision-making process that marketing theorists summarise as a five-stage process of Awareness Interest Evaluation Trial Adoption.In order to determine whether the buying behaviour is rational, this study looks at each stage of the buying process according to a set of basic rational and emotional factors as shown in Tables 1 and 2. Using secondary research based on U.K. consumer data and their decision to buy a mobile phone service, it would be possible to compare responses with the rational and emotional factors and test our hypothesis based on the results. The hypothesis can be confirmed if the results show that rational factors consistently score higher than emotional factors. Otherwise, the hypothesis is false.Research Methodology and Literature ReviewThe research study used three secondary data sources. The first data source is the latest annual survey of the Communications Management Association (CMA, 2006), a U.K.-based professional organisation of companies in the telecommunications sector, which includes mobile phone suppliers such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and Motorola and mobile service providers such as Vodafone, Orange, O2, T-Mobile, and Virgin. The CMA has been conducting an annual survey since 2003 and publish ing the results on its website (www.thecma.com).The CMA conducted its last annual surveys in 2006, and part of the data gathered from the survey are the factors that make up consumer decision-making and satisfaction, consumer concerns, and image perceptions towards mobile phone suppliers and mobile service providers.The second source of data is ciao.co.uk, a obtain intelligence

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Developing a Best Practice framework for setting up an offshore Dissertation

Developing a Best Practice framework for setting up an shoreward jurisdiction in Islamic Finance - Dissertation ExampleOffshore jurisdictions that atomic number 18 fertile for Islamic pay include Cayman Islands, Isle of Man, Jersey, Guernsey, Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Bahrain, Labuan (Malaysia), Luxembourg, Dubai International Financial nub and Dublin (Ireland). Other seaward jurisdiction favoured for investment includes Turks and Caicos Islands, Bermuda, Barbados, Cook Islands, Labua, Liechtenstein, Mauritius, Cyprus and Gibraltar (Academie de Droit and International de la Haye, 1995). Most of the offshore centres in the world are anxious to become influential financial locations. These offshore locations aggressively try on investors interested in globose investment from any part of the world. Growth of global investments has caused unprecedented fruit of offshore jurisdictions in the past years. Accumulation of petrodollars and increasing Muslim population as well a s increase in infrastructural projects demanding huge amounts of capital drive global Islamic finance. Further more than, active participation of investors and independency of countries in Islamic capital markets are some of the reasons of growth and development of global Islamic finance (Muhammad 2009). Wealthy people and entities put their assets in offshore jurisdiction to avoid their legal obligations in their jurisdiction. They test lawful lowering of tax incidence upon their wealth and avoid exposure of assets to risks such as claims that competency otherwise arise in the home jurisdiction and can be legally avoided by investment funds away from home. A report released by Ernst & Young Islamic funds & Investment department indicated that global Islamic fund assets stagnated at US$52.3 billion in 2009 from US$51.4 billion in 2008. This is minimal growth and Islamic fund managers must adapt their strategies and operational models in line with new train expectations. Shariah i nvestable assets pay off experienced strong growth over the years. Director at Ernst & Youngs Islamic Financial Services Ashar Nazim said that Shariah investable pool grew by 20% from US$ four hundred billion in 2008 to US$ 480 billion in 2009 (Investors Offshore n. d. ). Islamic Finance has remained strong patronage the global credit crisis that shook global financial markets. This is because Islamic Finance has demonstrated promising banking deportment over years. Trusts are normally set up to protect assets transferred to an offshore jurisdictions from the claims of creditors who might come into human race in future time but are nonexistent at the time of transfer of the assets of the offshore trusts. The transferors also aim to provide among members of their families in way that could not be done, were the forced heir enthrall provisions of the home jurisdiction enforced against the migrant property of the person. Offshore transfer of funds makes the transferor to have the a dvantage of trust provisions which are not known in the home jurisdiction. 2.0 The Research business Islamic Finance is becoming one of the most admirable financing products across the world. Both Muslims and non-Muslims are approaching Islamic banks and Islam based financial institutions to meet their banking and financial needs. Islamic Finance is based on the teachings of Koran (Shariah Law) and does not operate like a conventional financial institution. Therefore, it has a totally contrastive best practice framework, which must meet the dictates of the Koran. Unlike conventional banks, Islamic banks are faced with more challenges in terms of inadequate or failed internal processes,