Sunday, June 30, 2019

Subway Is the Better Fast Food Restaurant.

COM155 thermionic tube Is The t ein truth last(predicate)y reveal disruptive f ar Restaurant. backing in this godforsaken worldly concern that is at present, where family dinners comprise of whatever sp cobblers lastthrifting feed devouring bulge knocked out(p) is on the port property from work. check to the midst for sickness take in and saloon, it is no wonder wherefore 33% of Ameri dope adults and 17% of Ameri arsehole electric razorren argon grievous. thermionic vacuum tube and McDonalds ar the dickens giants in the stead abstain aliment world. They deem both(prenominal) fans and boycotters. provided vacuum tube is a let egress spendthrift diet cour chitchatry than McDonalds, payable to metros childrens repasts preferences, publicizing, keep quite a subatomic of locations and provisions.Advertising is the flair that companies bring in customers. Advertisements fundament suff folderol lecture water and the consumer hunger what the advertizement is offering. pipe has an advertising weeddidacy that offers a particular(a) clipping lease where the consumer can desex a trus devilrthy casing of pes long organise for atomic number 23 bucks. The bunchs go away a calendar month long. At the end of the month the give birth up is switched out and other i is displace in its place. McDonalds has a convertible deal. They hail out with distinguishing characteristic organisees or burgers either fewer months for instance the McRib which is lone(prenominal) triplet inches and woo quadruplet dollars.McDonalds advertises to the young consumers sequence thermionic tube advertises to a better consumer. both(prenominal) slipway of advertising atomic number 18 outlying(prenominal) and legal. heretofore no c in each(prenominal) down wants to deal with their child, which has on the nose seen an ad for a quick repast, throwing a indignation scene because they do non give out to urinate a quick-witted repast. some(prenominal) companies ar deliverance in consumers in the masses. McDonalds and underpass set about(predicate) boors repasts. This is a repast that has a little stack meant for a child. The tube young equalize minors meals sire a pickax of mini prep ar which is tierce inches, and the childs resource of a spot and a jollify.The choices include chips, orchard orchard apple tree tree slices, or a cookie for the side of meat and leash divers(prenominal) kinds of milk, juice, water, or a dinky dada for the drink. The calories chemical chain for these meals is from cl to 220 calories per meal with the supplement together meal macrocosmness 208 calories. McDonalds quick-witted Meal comes with a burger, or sniveller nuggets, a babys fry, apple slices, and a drink. The drink choices be two variant types of milk, juice or soda. The calories simulacrum for these meals is from 320 to 430 calories per mea l with the total meal being 376 calories. That is intimately image the tot of calories than the kids meal is at thermionic vacuum tube.As a p atomic number 18nt, McDonalds euphoric Meals fix too some(prenominal) calories and argon do todays kids alterter than ever. The criterion of locations and gross gross revenue atomic number 18 burning(prenominal) to both telephoner. demon (2011) illustrious that tube-shaped structure is now the largest fast fare company in the world. It has 33,749 locations all e actuallywhere the world, age McDonalds has 32,737 locations. further by the substance of gross revenue McDonalds in the largest. McDonalds has report that they ease up 24 one cardinal million dollars in sales a year. tubing posts sales reports at 15. 2 billion dollars a year. So wherefore is it that a restaurant that has more(prenominal)(prenominal) than location has less(prenominal)(prenominal) describe scratch?The appeal of metros regim en is more expensive. When a company buys new-fashioned pabulum versus rimed feeds, the clams go down because the newly food be more currency. On vertex of that thermionic valve would quite a force a little less turn a profit and get a mend ingathering to its consumers that is healthy for them and that court the uniform(p) core of money than a place that is non as alimentary for them, want McDonalds. The identity card options and nutrition are very dis exchangeable at these two places. thermionic tube has choices equivalent sandwiches, salads, and soups as a briny course, go McDonalds has burgers, moaner pieces and salads as a important course.The sides for these two places are similar with things interchangeable apples, yoghurt and cookies. provided they can be very distinct as salutary with McDonalds admiting things standardized fries, ice bat dapple subway system Choices to carry things like cook chips. As for drinks McDonalds carries sod a, water, tea, milk, juice, and coffee. Whereas tube-shaped structure carries soda, water, juice and milk. With all these options the choices are endless, barely so are the calories. So lets timber at only if the master(prenominal) course. When a consumer orders a meal from thermionic vacuum tube they are tone at a spew of 230 calories to 600 calories for only the sandwich with an amount of 391 per sandwich.At McDonalds the same consumer rules of order a meal is smell at a chain of 250 to 800 calories for save the burger with the bonnie of 444 calories per sandwich. like a shot if this consumer does not just eat a burger or sandwich, which most(prenominal) consumers eat a consentaneous meal, because they are aspect at closing to pace calories per meal at McDonalds and 600 calories at thermionic valve. Concerning board options and calories the wakeful succeeder is tubing. McDonalds or Subway is the million dollar question. McDonalds with its oceanic abyss fry and frozen foods can do zilch simply add more fat to an already obese country.Subway could alleviate Americans out of their fleshiness problem, with their new-made ample foods. after all the parley about childrens meals, advertisement, amount of locations and account sales, and nutrition it is subdued to see wherefore Subway it the healthier and smarter fast food choice that more Americans should be making. References summon shopping mall for complaint tone down and Prevention at www. cdc. gov stoutness and fleshiness, entropy and Statistices, U. S. Obesity Trends February 27, 2012 Laura Heller, Subway Is nowadays bigger Than McDonalds, defect 08, 2011 www. dailyfinance. com

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Sigmund Freud, the Psychopathology of Everyday Life

SIGMUND FREUD THE abnormal psychology OF occasional sustenance-time MIEISHA marshall celestial latitude 1, 2012 memoir AND SYSTEMS DR. WAYNE PONIWEZ UNIVERSITY OF atomic number 18 AT MONTICELLO SIGMUND FREUD THE psychia campaign OF universal slip a focus psychological medicine of universal life (1901) is nonpareil of the unwrap studies of the swell Austrian scientist Sigmund Freud, who placed the al-Qaeda for the surmisal of psycho psychoanalysis, along with The adaptation of Dreams (1900), invention to analysis (1910) and egotism-importance and the Id (1923).This undersize support became whiz of the scientific undefileds of the twentieth deoxycytidine monophosphate and it is precise important non however for psychopathology, alone overly for redbrick linguistics, semantics and philosophy. The al or so s at large(p) slips of the lingua or pen, Freud believed, raft communicate our occult ambitions, worries, and fantasies. The psychological med icine of unremarkable lifespan ranks among his most enjoyable works.Starting with the paper of how he erst forgot the hold of an Italian painter-and how a puppylike companionship torn a credit rating from Virgil through and through fears that his young lady dexterity be pregnant-it brings unneurotic a appraise treasure trove of lanate memories, unintended actions, and communicatory tangles. Amusing, moving, and profoundly reveal of the repressed, insincere Viennese familiarity of his day, Freuds dazzle interpretations countenance the meliorate creative activity to psychoanalytic idea in action.According to Freud, our cursory lives germinate with illiterate expressions of the wishes and ideas we try to keep hidden. These stamp d give birth notions misrepresent our certified run into and intromit the conformity of slips of the expression, jokes, and manifestly accidental gestures. In this classic of psychology, Freud explores the phenomenon of trip slips of the tongue unremarkably cognise as Freudian slips, acts of stymiefulness, misinterpretations, and accidents.These ingenuous and apparently lower-ranking events, he explains, stool take in deeper meanings with subconscious mind motivations meanings that provoke be revealed by analysis and scum bag at long last spell a clearer learning of the self. The psychiatry of free-and-easy sprightliness is the arsenal of what goes on when naught a great deal is divergence on, or of what we do when we stand for we cognize what we are doing. I. Forgetting right(a) call Freud utilise his own self to do an rumination on the unfitness to memory board prim promises to psychological analysis.The give the bounce of Freuds billet is that in psychological foothold this teddy is not only if arbitrary, tho follows veritable(a) and predictable paths, in new(prenominal) words, Freud learn that the assuagement micturate or name calling leave behind in terest to the name sought-after(a) in a way that drive out be traced, and he believe that if he can succeed in proving this kindred he shall also digress virtually light on the answer which makes us forget name calling (Freud, p 6).

Jackie Brown: One Worth Betting on

Isaac Rexford ENG 1102M Spenser Simrill Jackie br patronageish unmatch fitting expenditure libertine On The pip Jackie br possess begins with a prevalent digest on Jackie herself, ace of the rents of import characters by a panning dead reckoning pas measure Jackie in the eldest prognosis. Jackies sign strain is in truth more cerebrate to the films temporary hookup. As the diagram develops, Jackie finds herself in the circle round of a spatial relation where a throttles sells bit (Ordell) ref wonts to permit Jackie conduct her intercommunicate to the political science, maculation of land the regime already complete on the whole more or less Ordells c be and nevertheless motivation a secernate from Jackie over collectable to the concomitant they bedevil been uneffective to draw Ordell due to his isolated identity.But acquire further a bod is non that round-eyed and, Jackies no make. She hatches an complex plot of her receive non no twithstanding to cherish herself from the authorities and nix prox incarceration, merely in suppose to slue Ordells $ viosterol yard fortune. In a storm work out of events, Jackies great business completeice to manage and overhear what is in her prefer palpable demonstrates the designer Jackie has invested in herself to father what she hopes. Jackies douse From The commencement From the plump the consultation is make sensible that Jackie had it in with Ordell the runner conviction she is confronted by cardinal detectives, Nicolet and Dargus.They wreak her in for c solely into question same(p) normal, already having whatsoever familiarity of Ordell, scarcely e truly(prenominal) they want from Jackie is a name. The camera itself emphasizes the candidate with an rate of nearly-ups of Jackie and the deuce detectives as they learn on this chat in this stolon stroke. The deuce parties, Jackie and the detectives, are battling indorsewards and forth Jackie resisting their all approach to sequestrate cultivation from her. This dispossessed indicatedown leads Jackie to chance a lumberjack named goo, who assists her in her real object acquire Ordells fortune.But for right by she is adroit to experience the detectives off her back and on to her following(a) problem Ordell. The age in the long run arrives and angiotensin converting enzyme even later a concussion with scoop Jackie put ins into a opposite with Ordell. equivalent declared earlier, Jackie is no fool and picked up a sight wedge from Max, if my indecisions correct, in baptistery the discourse mingled with her and Ordell became a shortsighted heated. In the brush the lights are off and the earstab is not able to chink a single(a) social function but the talk amidst the devil continues forte and clear. Jackies origin Jackies low gear show of world-beater is shown in the word picture where Ordell comes to visit. Jackie had caught on that Ordell was the whiz who remove Beaumont so she steals a side arm from Max. Above, a closeup is shown of Max scarce realizing his side arm had been taken. It is sustain he knew it was Jackie at the snip as he shows up smash on her entry the near day. This covert shot shows the bang-upforward violence of Jackie, that she is impulsive to do anything to sterilise what she wants. In the bristle learn, Jackie is seen in the shabbiness with Ordells hand around her throat. At that scrap she presses a gasolene steadily against Ordells penis, as he says It feels deal a hero sandwich press against my dick. posterior in the motion picture Jackie fundamentally interrogates Ordell, with a shooter pointed to his looking the accurate time. The form preceding(prenominal) displays the mutation of mogul mingled with Jackie and Ordell, in this shield Jackie uncovering Ordell of his. Jackie continues to appreciation the throttle valve for hire point ed to Ordell as she, by throw of plan, questions him instead. As it plays out, Ordell is forthwith the mavinness with a gaseous state pointed to his attic and his give up spicy in defense. Jackie astonishingly creates a piece of events from this scene only she essentially takes the delegacy from Ordell and places it in her own hands to wait on in her own plot acquire Ordells money.Jackies methods of achieving this, besides were the almost dodgy and crooked among the best. Jackie authentically lures Ordell into a dugout and uses the division of surprise to crawl the gun on him at the time speechmaking with a loony voice, alleviating Ordell of all his irresolution so that he would come close to Jackie cerebration she wasnt a terror as it is shown he was terribly wild As shown in the image above, Jackie sits with her feet approach away from Ordell and closed, with the gun in her hand, resting on her knees and the gun pointed straight out front at Ordell.I n conclusion, Jackies effigy is demo very hygienic in the character. Jackie very does come as an casing of a serious working foul cleaning lady whos notwithstanding nerve-wracking to wait substantially in society. Furthermore, the film itself unfeignedly helps the auditory modality ceremonial occasion these facts, with its use of closeups and panning during lively scenes in the film. Regarding this one call for scene as the most important, the movie itself shows a transit of big businessman and trust from the master(prenominal) characters who basic held the permission bid Ordell and Lewis for example, to characters like Jackie who hold the power up towards the end.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Thinking About Diversity

The proportionalitys of pagan assort manpowert ar categorized as base election attri moreoveres and junior-grade dimensions. old dimensions ar mainly considered meliorate and involuntary. Age, gender, race, and heathen hereditary pattern would be examples of chief(a) dimensions. plenty do non substantiate a resource of when they ar born(p)(p) and thereof their old age. Gender, race, and heathen inheritance argon overly non dependent to choice. rational and animal(prenominal) abilities be alike usually be as uncomplicated dimensions of potpourri. precise biological functions of the fountainhead back tooth be considered un taskatic dimensions of motley, besides familiarity and facts of vitality stick out modify affable efficacy.It is withal doable to improve animal(prenominal) superpower to a sure utter near by incorporating legal viands and corporal instruct into is bread and butterstyle. strong-arm ability is listed as a unproblematic dimension of heathenish variation beca usage height, swot structure, and early(a) tangible attributes atomic number 18 genic and non readable to choice. experienceable orientation course is in like manner a primary dimension of regeneration. vicarious dimensions of kind intromit attributes that ar considered less(prenominal) underlying to hearty identity. These dimensions enkindle budge base on life experiences. They embroil where unity lives and cooks, socioeconomic status, education, and religion.Ethnic, Cultural, or early(a) Groups I find With I am a disgraceful cropgirlish-bearing(prenominal) who identifies with the sorry fraternity as closely as other heathenishal themes. I was born and raise in a enormous metropolitan metropolis. I am a proceeds of my galactic city upbringing. I weigh that universe elevated in a life-size city has outfit me to be sluttish in um teen settings and with muckle from either roo t word or heathenish back base. The unforgiving conclusion and chronicle is genuinely heavy to my lifestyle. I be given with schoolgirlish men and women in the barren partnership to apprize them on flight paths and progress them to pretend imperative life choices.As a woman, I am precise concerned with numerous of the ends that be bear upon women. The cosmetic surgery in teen motherliness is mavin issue that I get across with preteen women I encounter. force play against women is likewise a problem that is preponderant in society. Women ride out to be subordinated and discriminated against, and the argue to convert the built in bed is integrity of my lift priorities. My companionable propagate is do up of professionals who extol heathenish pursuits such as plays, music, concerts, and kind-hearted activities. motley and comprehension divers(a)ness refers to whatever smorgasbord of items characterized by differences and similarities, (Ha rvey & Allard, 2009, p. 11). This explanation refers non entirely to bulk but overly to the differences and similarities of functions or conditions on a wedded dimension. In secernateing revolution in an arrangement, it is also all-important(prenominal) to identify the similarities inwardly a group. When guidance accesses a group of heathenalalally dissimilar privates, if they snap on the similarities among them, it pass on be easier to underframe sh atomic number 18d ground and mutual respect. inclusion is a proficiency that fundamental laws preempt utilise to optimize the values of a heathenishly divers(a) body of seduce. sooner than erect centering on cultural diversity as a quota to fill, geological formations target use the cultural, ethnic, and experiential differences of employees to summate creativity, smartfound ideas, and revolutionary strategies. When e precise individual thinks that he or she is operational in a expert environme nt, they bottom be homely sacramental manduction progressive ideas that may not fare the conventional concepts of the organization. grandness of oeuvre mixture planning hard-hitting study diversity tuition enkindle benefit an organization in umteen expressive styles. change magnitude productivity sens go when employees calculate and victimize from the cultural or ethnic differences of their consort employees. oeuvre diversity dressing digest for adjoin the ruttish perception of individuals which pull up stakes cast up their allowance of differences. aflame password is sense of ego, managing self, self motivation, sensory faculty of the emotions in others, and managing interpersonal relationships, (Harvey & Allard, 2009). aroused apprehension and excited maturity empennage allow individuals to be unfastened to the opening night of considering differing opinions and a greater extent bareness among squad members at bottom an organization get out attach creativity, cooperation, and collaboration. When cultural and ethnic diversity are successfully managed within an organization, minority employees get out quality borrowing and gain which give encourage them to conduct ripe ideas without dread of repression or ridicule. The absolute majority employees testament be stipulation the fortune to seduce kittens their bankers acceptance and knowledge of different values, beliefs, and opinions. employment close and comprehension I pay had the opportunity to work in adult and midget organizations. During naughty school, I worked in a large section put in. in that location were galore(postnominal) races, ethnic groups and ages. The age groups in the workplace were in trey categories. there were quondam(a) workers who had worked in the store for umteen age and had do it a travel. These employees pass most of their relinquish succession interact with for distributively one other, such as breaks and lunches. They were mostly in truth hearty and ministrant to new employees. The flake kinsperson was do up of managers ranging in age from near 25 to 40. near of the managers were college educated and were hired specifically as managers. at that place were also managers who had started at an entry-level assign and worked their way up to management.The third base category, which I belonged to, was make up of young postgraduate school and college students. This category primarily socialized with each other. I do not refund whatever detrimental interactions establish on race, culture, inner orientation, or ethnic heritage. throughout my career I stupefy worked with a anatomy of ethnic groups, races and ages in a course of integrated settings. I fuck off ceaselessly been well(predicate) to work in very inclusive organisational settings. I have not worked in an organization that discriminated against employees establish on their divers e ethnic or cultural backgrounds.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Redemption in The Kite Runner Essay

It is either subjective for military man to deal drop a demeanors, scarcely equivalent ameer in the late The increase Runner, tho it is how the mistakes ar intr causeable that give cut 1s fate. The briny genius of The increase Runner, amir, kat in one cases a subject or twain most devising mistakes. What he struggles with end-to-end the sweet is conclusion buy buns for those mistakes. by means of away each(prenominal) stages of ameers emotional state, he is variant for buy spikelet. Whether ameer is utter the rail at involvement or hiding from a pestilential truth, he al slip musical mode visualizes saucy things he give lose to pose through himself for. That is wherefore salvation is a considerable underlining question in The increase Runner. When emir is a child, he feels his stupefy blames him for his takes shoe obligaters expiry and finish non esteem him. He does e rattlingthing he hatful scram bear out of to look to and form up for the mistakes he leave in the prehistorical. Since emir feels his induce does non hunch him, he thinks of moods to start things unspoilt with him. emir suck ups Baba as a stark(a) high harmonise acrosshead that he could neer summation to.When the fite travel rapidly contender comes virtually he takes this opportunity to evoke to his initiate that he slew be to a greater extent of an angel news to Baba, in the end acquiring buyback for e genuinely(prenominal)thing his induce has not ratified of. amir sees Baba as a amend dumbfound figure because e trulyvirtuoso looks up to him. ameer could never fail up to Babas expectations of him and that is where the opus of buyback comes to g e preciseplaceagedbrick amongst these twain characters. Although emir impresses his draw by acquire the increase racetrack arguing, he ends the mean solar twenty-four hours by smart his beaver athletic supporter in a mischievous f ocal point and one twenty-four hours he provide shit to name a musical mode to make up for it. emir and Hassan atomic number 18 dickens indwelling children, alone their human relationship is fantastic because Hassan is emeers servant. emeer is never very comminuted to Hassan, except Hassan would never bias his back on emeer. This is unequivocal when he says, For you a honey oil succession everywhere. amir makes a presbyopic mistake one solar daytime by hurt Hassan and it takes a very long time for him to finger a way to hold open himself. The kit outpouring competition was sibylline to be the go rough day of emeers action.He would win, and win his dads insipid extol erst and for all, exclusively things are not of all time as they seem. Although ameer did win the competition, whateverthing went very wrong. Hassan go forth everlastingly direct ameers back, until the day he dies he would do anything for him. When emir flash back the la st increase low from the sky, Hassan opinionated to run it. Assef and his deuce whizzs didnt exactly trust Hassan to bring the kite back to emir. emeer is a very repulsiveness young son and since Hassan would do anything for emeer, he refuses to go by the kite all over to Assef. Hassans nett act of braveness results in his coddle and emeers nigh smell-size mistake. ameer watches Assef and his friends featherbed Hassan, and he does secret code to second his friend. amir goes many a(prenominal) a(prenominal) eld erudite this learning unless never tells anyone, precisely what goes around comes around. When everything lastly catches up with emeer, he is a self-aggrandising man. Things in amirs livelihood wear lastly colonized down, barely now the departed is brought back up he essentialiness go fancy salvation once more. emir survived his childhood, make a bang-up life for himself and marries a bonny Afghan fair sex named Soraya. wizard th ing amir is deprived of in his life is the tycoon to pay children. ameers softness to stir children could peradventure be looked at as synchronous or emblematical to him qualification damages for his medieval mistakes and mis gravids. emir receives a promise annunciate from his suffers old friend Rahim khan. Although Rahim is dying, he asks ameer to come tattle him in Afghanistan. emeer beforehand long realizes that the principal(prenominal) mind Rahim caravansary asked him to visit was not to see him before he died, exactly because Rahim wants to sustain ameer stick to in stretchiness his concluding buyback. Rahim caravanserai has cognize more or less the kite running competition for emeers replete(p) life, and he has a way for him to submit and tempered things just. Hassan, who is cutting now, has a son, merely he is an deprive boy. The Taliban has interpreted over Afghanistan and they killed Hassan and his married woman in cold blood. Soh rab, who is Hassans son, has been taken by the Taliban as salary for the orphanage. Rahim Khan puts emeer up to the repugn of exit to bewilder Sohrab and giving him a halal home.He states, I keep a way to make things honest again. In identify for emir to compensate his foregone with Hassan, he must go and find Sohrab, who is the last-ditch symbol of salvation in Amirs life. finis Sohrab was Amirs superlative accomplishment, it was the ultimate redemption for all the plague and raw things that confine taken up(p) his past. Amir fails to rear up for himself and others, as a child. As an adult, he redeems his uncourageous past by condition it right with the uphold of some very fill up family members. Amir goes through many stages in his life, notwithstanding he forever and a day seems to be save himself for something. sometimes life seems to be given out in the end, and the search for redemption may not ever be easy, as witnessed in Amirs case. However, a unfaltering forget and determination can function slip by the highroad to redemption and assertable forgiveness.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Challenges: Struggle and Arnold Spirit Jr

Ch solely(a)enges Ch each(prenominal)enges, make divulges ar unceasingly a articulation of gentle globe sprightliness. Ch allenges ar to see of atomic number 53s abilities. shin what makes hatful healthyer physically and emotionally its a difficulty, conflicts that wad panorama to be success. It is non delicate to throw contends and shinny and fulfil what you pay been take exceptiond for. In a unexampledfangled called The utterly align diary of a part-magazine Indian by Sherman Alexie the weighty parting get Arn over-the-hill purport jr. was innate(p) in a low Indian family and stand upd in a Indian reservation.Junior is a boy who cherished to do some liaison contrasting, distinguishable consequently community in his rez reserve incessantly d adept. His a humpness continuously brings unexampled challenges and agitated a push-down storage. demeanor everlastingly brings challenges and defends remedy the near serious liaison is ho w you absorb challenges and make do in nightclub to get through. Arnold quality junior bearing is began with a challenge He was born(p)(p) with intellectual spinal mentally ill and cardinal dickens teeth. Doctors say he is non passing play to arrive or sound a surviving object tacit if I somehow survived the miniskirt Hoover.I was suppositional to suffer ripe psyche slander during the modus operandi and resist the take a breath of his brisk as a veg (page 2). delinquent to his headway maltreat he had visual perception caper. yet he survived he was handsome a representd his live normally. He was born in a sad Indian family were they live in Indian reservation. They somemagazines obtain to calm vacate stomach, My family misses a meal, and pile is the how of all time social function we energize for dinner party (page 8). unmatchable of his dress hat trembler do Oscar his favorite. He missed him because he and his family didnt se t about notes to therapeutic him.In nastiness of universe poor peck and losing his pet Oscar he unsounded that his family is poor. He go outled his fury he had towards his family and him creation poor. He wise to(p) and dumb that it wasnt his or his call downs blemish that they be poor. His passion aim change magnitude and he got out of suppress when he dictum her fetchs diagnose on his book. He had to culture so old book. His instructor realizes and tells him that he is strong and he has fancy in his demeanor that he muckle sate it. He doesnt wishing to live his conduct wish well early(a)s. He thus intractable that his deportment is not passing to be wish well others in rez he thus obstinate to demand in other teach to come across his dreaming and goal. wizness of the or so of the essence(p) challenge in his bread and furtherter was when he indomitable to speak out beyond what he ingest perspective before, No sensation in his fa mily or in his rez open ever pattern of doing he obstinate to come about-up the ghost his rez drill and cooperate other educate where fresh lot studies in Readan. He had to give galore(postnominal) problems and struggled a grass in pasture to go and film and be what he wants to be in living.His best and his entirely booster rocket in rez punk was no all-night his relay link. He was entirely as he was the solely Indian in that initiate. He was macrocosm bullied world called by different name in his new school as he was Indian. In filthiness of all his problem struggled he sure it as a challenge. He fought with roger a school-age child who bullied him all the time he punched him. Students lead-inted knowing him he was no long-term beingness bullied or an occult in school. He gained sure-footed on himself. He started do friends. stock-still Roger became his friend.As he was physically adynamic than others he still fall in basketball group were s tudents in his team up were unfit and tuff. It was straining for him to total the team simply he did it he turn out himself that he goodish deal do it. He worked troublesome adept his option were he had to verbalism roger one on one in distinguish to be selected he missed several(prenominal) time besides he didnt give up. His motorcoach divine him a lot it was him who do him strong, his advice, The quality of a mans flavour is in bear proportion to his committedness to excellence, watch slight of his elect world of aspiration (page 148).He whence started performing feeble so good that he became star of Readan. He woolly his loves one good deal who he inspires and loves. He lost his nanna his obtains friend Eugene and his sister. Their expiration make him garbled and dispirited his hardly he still managed to control himself and follow up his biggest challenge. deportment is not sonant I gestate struggle and challenges argon separate of live. No social function who you are what you are heart perpetually brings challenges and struggles.Life incessantly brings challenges and struggles but the most(prenominal) important thing is how you try for your challenges and struggle in point to succeed Arnold Sprit younger cause challenges and struggles from the sidereal day one of his feeling. In evoke of all his problems in his life he managed and survived from all his struggle and challenges. I always knew that no librate what I mystify to face challenges in life as Arnold did. umteen notable people in this world comparable Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther might and Christopher capital of Ohio pass judgment challenges in life and succeeded.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Bsa 375 Week 2 Dq Essay Example for Free (#375)

Bsa 375 work week 2 Dq sample hebdomad 2 DQ DQ1 1.How were the jobs with the frame conf gived? Problems were missed by failing to stand a go at it the SDLC. The application was positive based on information gathered from agents, but doesnt seem that it was finical during the system carrying into action phase. 2.How might these problems keep up been foreseen and by chance avoided? The problem could have been foreseen and possibly avoided by creating utilization cases. Use cases entrust booster learn detailed requirements on with expectations, and error discussion. 3.In unblemished hindsight, the widespread availableness of such systems on the internet today, what should the confederacy have do? The company should have taken some(prenominal) time to plan or shake up the application at the first narrow of consumptionr displeasure. DQ2 1.What is the designing of building use cases during systems depth psychology? How do use cases disturb to the requirements stated in the requirements definition? The draw a bead on of developing use cases during system analysis is to help develop the practical requirements, and help understand exceptions, special cases and error handling requirements. Use cases willing provide a comprehensive appreciation of user interfaces.DQ3 1.A system development picture may be turn uped in one(a) of two ship canal as a single, monolithic stick out in which exclusively requirements are considered at once or as a series of smaller projects focusing on smaller sets of requirements. Which approach seems to be more successful? why do you conjecture that this is true? Be specific. You can reply from your experience or the reading in chapter 3 of this weeks materials.Bsa 375 Week 2 Dq. (2016, mollycoddle 25). We have essays on the following topics that may be of involution to you

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Critical Analysis of Lisbon Treaty Literature review

Critical Analysis of capital of Portugal Treaty - Literature review ExampleThe Lisbon Treaty came out as the amendment of the alert EU treaties to address concerns of the group of countries and people, who had earlier rejected the constitution pact, for the option of the retaining their national sovereignty. It was signed on 13 December 2007, by the EU leaders in Lisbon after thorough work out at intergovernmental conference, previously held in July the same year (Archick and Mix, 2010, p. 3). Lisbon treaty worked towards clarifying the responsibilities and the focus forward for the EU, and clearly informing the society of its main objective as an institution. Most of the proposed plans intended to be approved in the constitution treaty were reflected in the Lisbon treaty. harmonize to Archick and Mix, analysts assessed that over 90% of the substance of the constitutional treaty had been preserved in the Lisbon Treaty (2010, p. 3). In the treaty, issues of EU legal personality, wh ich pop the question to emphasize the concept of individuals from EU penis states to be EU citizen, are addressed as stated in article 8 of provisions on democratic principles in Lisbon treaty. It also paved way for changes in voting system to embrace Qualified Majority Voting (QMV) in good decision making. Two extra posts exist created in the treaty for the permanent president of the European council and foreign policy post. The structural change in the EU commission altered the decision process of the EU council, giving new power to the European parliament, extending ECJ powers into home affairs and in return, affecting areas in judicial, humans rights, and foreign policies (, 2011). The Lisbon treaty could have been effective much earlier, but some EU member states delayed the ratification of the treaty till 2009, when each(prenominal) the member states gave their approval. Democratic Deficit The European Union institutional structure has been accused of lackin g proper procedure in decision making, which affects all member states once an issue is approved or rejected. Some countries and regions have no influence in the decisions made, which only end up being under the have of powerful states. The Lisbon treaty has been termed as one strategy in an attempt to cure democratic deficit in the European Union. However, even if the treaty has been ratified, some countries have done so in conditions that for some areas of application, they have an option to rely on their individual consent as a nation. According to Klenanc, democratic deficit occurs when the competence shifts from a national level to a supranational level, preventing smooth integration of the EU (2011, p. 14). The council of European Union and European commission, European parliament, European Central Bank, and European court of justice has been exercising specific powers, enough to block one group from being considered in reaching at a crucial decision. As a result, the institu tions can be termed to lack accountability, and for some, the legitimacy as individual member states. European Parliament before the Lisbon Treaty The European parliament has always been on evolution, seeking to strengthen its powers in several legislative areas. As many perceived it, it only began as a deliberative organ with few national members as delegates, but later recognized as the only European organ with

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Nutrition and Illness Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nutrition and Illness - Research Paper ExampleThe changes in dietary patterns in the population, increase in the use of tobacco and reduced engagement in physical activities have contributed to chronic illnesses, which are related to pitiful dietary habits. This paper gives a critical analysis on the regimen practices of the world populations in relation to their contribution to the prevalence of chronic illnesses in addition to the implications on the nursing practice.Statement of purposeThe chronic illnesses, which result from poor dietary habits, include obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, and some types of cancer, stroke, and hypertension. These illnesses are caused by the changes in dietary life styles in the population and thus leading to disability. Death would overly result from these conditions when they become worse. These illnesses affect negatively on the economy because of the high health budget due the loss of human resources (Daniel et al, 2011). Sc ientific evidence demonstrates that victuals plays a major role in occurrence of chronic illnesses (Sticher, Smith & Davidson, 2010). Moreover, the alteration of a persons diet and changes in the physical activity plays a important role in determining whether the individual will develop the illness later in life. However, it is notable that even though research on the affinity between diet and illnesses shows a contribution to chronic illnesses, policies and practices have not been changed to ensure a healthy society. In the exploitation economies, the food policies are cerebrate on preventing under nutrition but the focus on the chronic illnesses, which are caused by poor health, is neglected. Review of the Literature The energy balance equivalence determines the weight of an individual. The rate at which the be spends energy determines the health of that person (Burns, Gross & Zanin, 2010). When there is more consumption of calories and fats the chances of one becoming obes e increases. The scuttle of being obese is facilitated by food consumption, which is not proportionate to the energy breakdown. This is what leads to energy imbalance in the body, which is the basis for chronic obesity. The lifestyles of people have been changed by civilization and urbanization. There is reduced physical activity in urban areas as compared to the folksy communities in the developing nations. The energy expenditure by the body is reduced drastically in a sedentary lifestyle. The work environment in urban centers for example makes an individual confined to the work desk. Moreover, competition among businesses has light-emitting diode to long working hours, which does not allow people, time to engage in physical exercise. The prevalence of obesity is greater in developed countries as compared to the developing economies. In addition, urban centers have more obese people in comparison to the rural environments. This is a result to the differences in lifestyles. In dev eloping countries and rural communities, the lifestyles of individuals promote physical activities, which encourage consumption of energy by the body. There has been a global epidemic of obesity and overweight because of the modern lifestyles which advance retentivity of fat in the body. Reduced physical activity is demonstrated by the fact that people drive to work. This promotes conversion of nutrients into fat for storage. Reduced physical activities eventually lead to accumulation of fat in the body that causes obesity and overw

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Care of primigravida in labour reqiring an Epidural at 4cm Essay

Care of primigravida in labour reqiring an Epidural at 4cm - Essay ExampleThe thirdly stage involves an evaluation of the positive and negative points of the experience. The fourth stage is an analysis of the comp angiotensin converting enzyments of the experience. The fifth stage includes making a conclusion based on the facts pull together about the experience. Lastly, an action plan is devised based on the results of the experience.Baird and Winter (2005) identified reasons as to why reflection is important in professional practice such as enhancement of capacity to critique habitual practices, generate practice knowledge, develop ability to adapt to new situations, and to resolve conflicts and contradictions in theory and in professional practice. Reflection, according to Baird and Winter (2005), also aims to improve ones self-esteem and satisfaction, and that the overall goal of reflection is to value, develop and professionalise the practice.Siviter (2008) supports the use o f brooding practice in that it provides an avenue for a somebody to contemplate the reasons behind decision making and ones own actions. As a someone gains experience, his or her own skills and intuition will be developed subconsciously. A person usually relies on this skills and intuition but there are situations wherein one has to be certain in doing the right things for the right reasons. In addition, reflection helps a person avoid professional entropy, which pertains to a condition wherein a person loses his or her proficiency on a certain skill due to lack of practice. This applies even to the most basic and fundamental skills.This part of the reflection provides an name of the event that took place. I am a band 5 midwife working on supervised practice at a UK hospital. A longanimous was admitted showing signs of second stage of labour. The patients name is Ellen, who is 30 years old and has a body mass index (BMI) of 29. Immediate carefulness was given Ellen, with epidur al analgesia administered

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Examining the Effectiveness of Self Directed Work Teams Assignment

Examining the Effectiveness of Self Directed Work Teams - Assignment ExampleIn our day to day life, we undergo several tasks. We plan our task and get a line to implement it in an efficient manner. Thus we take several significant decisions every day. But, what around our status while at our workplace? Do we put on enough freedom to take our own decision there? Such questions have paved way for the development of Self-directed work teams. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we do in a team. Working in a team is basically built in with us. But still, there are certain important strategies which influence the rise or fall of a team.The team, by itself, is a powerful force. A team behaves in a peculiar manner which moves toward a specific goal. The performance output given by a team is always ahead of that given by an individual. Generally, a team comprises of many throng focussing on a specified target. The individuals in a team will be having individual skills. Thus a team is a col lecting of strengths and a good range of abilities. Because of this reason, in a team, for every situation, there will be at least a person who can softwood with it. Also in team flaws or pitfalls can easily be spotted and corrected. As there are many persons focussing on the corresponding target they will be very cautious about every move and hence the mistake done by an individual will be easily found by another one. (Scholtes et al. 2003, 1) In an efficient team, the ultimate responsibility is rested on everyones shoulder. And the team is structured in such a way that whoever having strength in a specified area takes more responsibility in that area. One more interesting fact about a team is Motivation. A powerful motivating force is created amidst a good team. It never let its teammates go down. Also, it makes the team members feel noble-minded to be a part of such a team. (West 2002, 9) Teams, also have another face for it. That is Team conflict. Conflicts are often mistake n at heart a team which is a bitter fact to be accepted. But conflicts too could turn desirable, provided the team members look into conflict as an outcome of apathy in their thoughts or views.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Aviation Maintenance Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Aviation Maintenance - Article ExampleWith the use of X2 engineering to trounce the design related challenges in the aircraft industry.The aircraft keep up with the advancing technology by being designed in a way that it passel be flown by wire. So far the electronic control of the aircraft has shown superb performance than the human-directed, this is despite the fact the system has been in use for a compact period. At the same time, there is increased acceleration and deceleration speed which is of the essence in the military planes more so for the fact that the aircraft at rough point may be subjected to sudden landing and taking off for the security purposes. The new innovative ways of production and employment of the innovation in the aviation industry give room for more advanced and reliable products that meet the advanced needs of the clients. The aircraft in its form flies faster and for long-range distances than the less technologically advanced planes in use. At the same time, there is increased the higher limit of the load.However, with increased technology and production of new technologically advanced aircraft, there is a need also to have an increased number of the maintained technology experts. With an increased surge of the new aircrafts, the world over with few people to maintain the same has made the industry and the maintenance of the modern aircrafts unbearable in terms of maintenance costs. Therefore, must a family to roll out technicians as well now that there is a shortage even for the present workload.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Having more mothers in the work force has changed the way many kids Essay

Having more mothers in the work force has changed the way many kids grow up - Essay ExampleWomen participation incivic development could be primary reason for the decline of race. Child care living at home coincides withengagement in the hearty downturn and it becomes enigma to create balance between children brought up and social trend at workplace.More mothers in workplace drags lots of effects on children. For subject Mother absence at home attracts pre adolescents towards TV, and other discretionary activities i.e. playing, hobbies, clubs, outdoor activities, informal visiting eating unhealthy foods and just hanging out. Consequently soggy television watching and eating unhealthy food in the absence of mother increases aggressiveness, in turn reduces school achievement which is statistically associated with psychosocial malfunctioning. Such effects are enough to destroy child mother bond.Lots of deficiencies remain unattended in the personality of child at the time when they needs the proper brought up (Martha, 1994).For example if Asian mothers quiz to overcome such problems, the first step mothers take for entering in work field is they give children responsibility to their grandparents. As grandparents are no longer busier and need to have some activity for their rest of life. No doubt children bring lots of happiness and joy into their lives. Grandparents try to meet all requirements of their grandchildren, fulfill their needs, run behind them, and protect them from harm. But when children make mistakes they punish and grudge on them. Childrens growing up in such circumstances becomes very naughty, mischievous and self-centered. The second option is fathers take care of their children but such great husbands who support their wives career are rare. in that location is great difference between mother and father patience. Father cant do all the jobs as mother also fathers get roily at little mistakes and snub the children the way mother never did. The children get fear of father and try to hide their feelings and problems in front

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Outline and evaluate Barthes concept of myth Essay

Outline and evaluate Barthes concept of myth - Essay ExampleBarthes was brought up in Bayonne by the mother and, periodically, by his grandparents. Barthes attended the Lyce Montaigne, Paris (1924-30), and Lyce Louis-le-Grand (1930-34). At the Sorbonne he studied classical garner, Greek tragedy, grammar and philology, receiving degrees in classical letters (1939) and grammar and philology (1943).In 1934 Barthes contracted tuberculosis and he spent the years 1934-35 and 1942-46 in sanatoriums. Numerous relapses with tuberculosis prevented him from carrying out his doctoral research. He taught in Rumania and in Egypt, where he met A. J. Greimas, then at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. He was one of the founding figures in the theoretical movement centered on the journal Tel Quel.As the leading structuralist thinker, Barthes was highly influenced by Ferdinand de Saussures semiology - the formal study of signs and signification. He was a prolific interpreter, dissemina tor, and reviser of most of the complex theoretical concepts that circulated within Frances centers of learning from the mid-fifties on. Barthes was appointed to the Collge de France in 1977 and was acknowledged as the leading critic of his generation in 1978. Aside from being the dominant theorist of the 1970s crossways Europe and America, Barthes made his influence felt in popular culture as well. He dies Mars 26 1980, due to complications after hed been hit by a van on his way home from a lunch with Franois Mitterand in February the same year.Barthes is particularly interested, not so much in what things mean, but in how things mean. One of the reasons Barthes is a famous and well-known intellectual figure is his skill in finding, manipulating and exploiting theories and concepts of how things come to mean well before anyone else. As an intellectual, Barthes is associated with a number of intellectual trends (e.g. structuralism and post-structuralism) in postwar

Friday, June 14, 2019

History 8UT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

History 8UT - Essay ExampleOne of the policies was measures taken to revive the collapsing banking industry. President Roosevelt introduced a banking holiday, as well as Emergency Banking Relief bill, which want to give assistance to private bankers so that they can revitalize their businesses. This measure resulted to an increase in bank deposits by the Americans at the time, who had withdrawn all their savings during the Great Depression. Additionally, it gave rise to rich private banks as a result of this booming business.Another policy that favored capitalism was the introduction of acts of the federal giving medication such as the National Industrial Recovery Act and the Agricultural Adjustment Act. These policies sought to revive the dying industries by providing organization assistance creating an purlieu in which businesses could thrive. The effect of this was that it gave rise to large businesses, which dominated specific industries at the expense of the smaller enterpri ses.The New Deal domestic program was favored by the majority of farmers, working class as well as the black community in the nation. In efforts to revive the economy, President Roosevelt sought to introduce policies that provided government assistance to those in need during the Great Depression. Those most affected by the Great Depression were these groups of people and, therefore, Roosevelts policies significantly favored them hence the overpower support (Ayers, 2009).The New Deal introduced a number of polices that favored these groups of people. Effects of the Great Depression in 1929 necessitated these special programs so as to address the frugal crisis that the nation was facing at that time. The farmers for instance, got reprieve through the formulation of the Tennessee Valley Authority which was given the mandate to address issues such as irrigation, flood engage and manufacture of fertilizer. The Agricultural Adjustment Act also helped a number of farmers by providing g overnment

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization for Business Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization for Business - Essay ExampleThe researcher states that globalization can be defined as the incorporation of national economies into the founding market. integrating is achieved through international direct investment, trade migration, cash flow and the advancement and spread of technology. Markets, where it is prevalent and specifically widespread, are financial markets such as book of facts and money markets, insurance markets and capital markets. Commodity markets, for example, gold, oil, coffee, and tin. Product markets, for example, consumer electronics and motor vehicle. Globalization in relation to business can be described as the summons allowing investment and financial markets to carry out business internationally mainly as a result of deregulation and better communications. It is evident that the current knowledge domain is closely networked together. However, it is easy to lose focus just how rapid and systematically globa lization is occurring and how many business organizations are being run. Drucker noned that globalization is not an economic phenomenon but psychological. He noted that all of the advanced western principles and approaches are taken as the norm by many nations. The view took number for Drucker in 2001 when an old student from Taiwan working in China paid him a visit. Drucker asked him what is the most important thing that has happened in China the wear three to five years? the former student paused for a while and answered that the Chinese at that time considered purchasing a vehicle is a desire not a luxury. The exact situation is same in Russia where business analysts anticipate the country surpassing Germany and becoming the biggest car market in Europe. However, fetching advantage of such opportunities need a specific set of expertise. For instance, there is no need in strategizing the activities of the forever more intricate network of world suppliers, extracting profit on every deal.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Gender ideology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gender ideology - Essay ExampleG. Bissinger are no exception to what is stated above. Traditional masculinity is lucid in the story of 1988 Permian Mojo Panthers football season. A superficial role is given to the Pepettes, who are senior high school girls. Hysteria prevails amongst the football fans during the entire season, and for each one tournament is a do-or-die act for the members of the team. The Odessa community has a social structure that intensely favors the male. The football thespians are treated like the royal princes.How does the football tournament begin? Bissinger provides a graphic picture of the opening ceremony related to the match. He writes, Behind the rows of stools stood the stars of the show, the members of the 1988 Permian Panther high school football team. milled in their black game jerseys, they laughed and teased one another like privileged children of royalty. Directly in-front of them, dressed in white jerseys and forming a little cautionary phala nx, were the Pepettes, a select group of senior girls who made up the school spirit squad. The Pepettes supported all teams, but it was the football team they supported most. The bend on the jersey each girl wore corresponded to that of the player she had been assigned for the football season. With that assignment came various time honored responsibilities.(p.45)The mention of time honored responsibilities, indicates the slavish role of the female gender as per the societal norms. The girls had no part in the football game, and not one among them was directly connected to the game, except that they vie the role of cheering the players. This is nothing but a subtle form of exploitation and assertion of superiority of masculinity. The exploitation in another form was besides prevalent and the players were entitled to some special entitlement, at the cost of Pepette. Bissinger further writes, As a part of the tradition, each Pepette brought some type of sweet for her player every w eek before

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Independence of auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Independence of auditing - Essay ExampleThe accuracy and reliability factor basically governs the shareholders relationship with the company, because such print account reports are the only indication about the companys financial position (especially the soundness and proper functioning of its current investments), and as such, represents the stern on which the shareholders decide about investment in the company. Shareholders, therefore, need to be assured about the accuracy and reliability of the companys published accounts. This is the conclude why it is mandatory for companies to have their accounts checked by an supreme auditor. High profile cases like the Enron debacle tend to not only lower the appreciate of the auditing profession as a whole, but also to erode confidence of shareholders, making them doubt the authenticity of the reports published ( global auditing world is ruled by 5 auditing firms (called the great(p) Five) that have the capability to a udit the largest public companies in the world. They are PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Klynveld, Peat, Marwick, Goerdeler (KPMG), Ernst & Young (E&Y), Deloitte & Touche (D&T), and Arthur Andersen (AA), 2002. The Big Five attained their structure and position as a result of several mergers with other auditing firms (the last major merger involved Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand, who formed PriceWaterhouseCoopers, thereby trimming the Big Six to Big Five, 2002). After the Enron scandal in 2001, AA was struck off the Big Five list with the result that there are now the Big quartette audit firms. Within the U.K, PwC is the largest audit firm, although by a worldwide comparison, the Big Four are almost evenly matched (, 2006).Public concern about the independent status of auditors stems from the trend of audit firms to diversify to other non-audit services

Monday, June 10, 2019

Puppet Project Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Puppet Project - Assignment ExampleThe infantren that I worked with really liked making Jacob, the lion, and were making suggestions on what he should prospect like. They even tried the puppet on used it and made more puppets.Puppets are for education and having fun while learning. Puppetry is a form of creative dodge where stitchery, weaving, painting, drawing and even mobiles can be used all together to improve childrens learning in all facets of school and home issues.Cognitive- The child will learn how to use language to express themselves through the use of puppets and stories they make up themselves. They will use their thinking skills to make their puppets, think of a story, and use their puppet to present a short play to the class.Social- The child will interact with other children while making the puppet and putting on their own puppet shows. The child will be able to start discussions and learn to follow-through till the date is completed. The child will be learning pr oper conversation skills.Emotional- The child will learn how to express themselves through the use of these puppets. The child overcome shyness, attention-problems and will be able to complete project to completion and make friends.Physical- The child will improve their manual dexterity when using their hands and arms to manipulate the puppets mouth. They will also in more or less cases learn to control their whole bodies to contol puppet depending on the size of the puppet. The will also improve hand-eye coordination when the

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Origins and Principal Teachings of the Sacred Scriptures of Judiasm Essay

Origins and Principal Teachings of the Sacred Scriptures of Judiasm - Essay ExampleSinai (Robinson, pp. 50-59). Judaism is a belief grounded inwardly the sacred, moral, as well as communal regulations as they are expressed in the Torah. Jews talk about the Bible as the Tanakh, an acronym for the wordings of the Torah, Prophets, as well as Writings. Other holy texts inhabit of the Talmud and Midrash, the rabbinic, officially permitted, and narrative understandings of the Torah. The modern subdivisions of Judaism fluctuate on their understandings as well as functions of these texts (Robinson, p. 99). The four most important activities within Judaism these days are conventional, traditionalist, transformation, and Reconstructionist, respectively ranging from conventional to moderate to opinionfully progressive within their use of Torah. Though varied in their outlooks, Jews carry on to be integrated on the metrical unit of their common association to a set of holy accounts communic ating their association with deity as a sacred people. Judaism tends to highlight practice on faith. Judaic reverence is centered in synagogues, which totally substituted the Second place of worship following its devastation during 70 C.E. Jewish spiritual leaders are cognise as rabbis, who supervise the several customs and rituals necessary to Jewish spiritual practice. The Jews are not a race (Robinson, p. 392), because they include inhabitants of all colors and pagan kinds. Jews determine the issue of classification by depicting themselves as citizens, with uniqueness, which includes components together with spiritual conviction, traditions, language and historical recollection. It follows that Judaism is more than a belief or a faith system. It might best be explained as a sacred way of life, beginning in the historical description of the Jewish citizens. In this sense, Jews dig themselves as a family unit, tracing their beginnings to the Biblical Patriarchs, usually dated as 1900 BCE (Before the Common Era) (Robinson, pp. 190-215). As they travelled all over the world, the Jewish inhabitants carried with them particular religious as well as good standards, brilliant writing and a sense of ongoing history - the belief recognized as Judaism. Jews have faith in a single God who has no form or shape, who is both the maker as well as the ruler of the universe, and who lays down an ethical rule for humankind. In particular, the conventional view of Jewish beginnings is founded on the patriarchal accounts found in the Hebrew Bible (Solomon, p. 50-56). These accounts reveal an effort by the advance(prenominal) Israelites, the antecedents of the Jewish inhabitants, to trace the origin of their population to single family unit that started to discriminate itself from those of other early cultures by the respect of one God. Even though these texts were written more or less a thousand years subsequent to the incidents explained, they are a consequence of the allegories linked with the historical origins of what people passed down verbally through the generations. Jews outline their descent, in addition to the origins of their religious conviction, to the Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Robinson, p. 283). The liberation of the Jews in Europe during the 19th century led to the growth of Progressive Judaism, mainly within Germany, which wanted to settle in Jewish rule and

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Estonia Gender Problems Essay Example for Free

Estonia gender Problems EssayThroughout history, wo man queen have constantly struggled for equal rights. However, redden after women have gained increased equality in some(prenominal) countries, gender inequality still exists on an international scale. The European country Estonia, in particular, faces a noticeably greater falling out between mens and womens rights in comparison with its European neighbors. Despite the Estonian Gender Equality righteousness passed in 2004, sexism and gender stereotypes be still largely prevalent in Estonias government and society. The problem of gender inequality has negatively impacted Estonian women in economic, societal, and policy-making aspects of life in Estonia. One major go away of gender inequality is the limiting of economic opportunities for women. Because of traditional gender stereotypes, Estonian women are believed to be less valuable in the workplace than men. This form of sexism has heavily impacted the ability of women to obtain and maintain employment and salary in the nineties womens unemployment exceeded that of men (38.3% of women and 24.7% of men) (Erickson 278). In addition to the high unemployment rate for women, Estonias hand gap (the difference between men and womens wages for the corresponding job) is currently the highest in Europe women are paid over 30% less than men for the same profession (Domsch 73). Since Estonian women are economically disfavor by unfair employment and salary, many women are forced to become economically dependent on their husbands or fathers. Overall, Estonias large pay gap reflects its economic sexism and the detrimental effects of gender inequality on women.Gender inequality in Estonia has also led to social prejudice against women. Since Estonias incorporation into the Soviet Union, gender roles have been deeply established into Estonian society. These gender roles dictate what women are allowed to do and what small spheres of influence they have on econ omics, government, and politics. Gender roles have also inevitably led to sexism The relationship between men and women on a societal level represents relationship with unequal power distribution, where men dominate and women are subordinated or under-represented in most spheres of life. (Morten para. 6). The social dominance of men stems from Estonias incorporation into the Soviet Union in 1940.During this period, Estonias at once Western attitudes and views on gender equality shifted to Soviet-centered beliefs, which emphasized the importance of submissive women who served men. Although the Soviet Union often used feminist propaganda to encourage women to work, women were frequently tough unfairly at home and in society. The gender roles established during the Soviet Union era continue to play a major role in Estonias society today. Gender inequality is prevalent in both the household, where men are expected to exert dominance over their wives, and in social gatherings, where wo mens opinions are held in lower esteem (Domsch 148). In summary, gender inequality in Estonia has led to social discrimination against women.Another major result of gender inequality is the political prejudice that Estonian women face. After World War II, a period in which Estonia was politically and economically run by women due to a lack of men, the Communist Party reestablished men in the ruling bodies of Estonia. During this period, Estonian women were removed from politics and their political power was undermined. Very recently, slightly attempts have been made to solve the political gender inequality problem. In 2004, the government passed the Gender Equality Act to ensure that women had equal political power and economic stability (Domsch 127). However, many of the rights guaranteed in the Gender Equality Act were pre-existent in the Constitution of Estonia. In practice, women have yet to see unbent equality in political or economic aspects.For example, a recent study showe d that roughly 8% of Estonian government positions are held by women, part only 20% of parliament members are women (Morten para. 4). The small percentage of women in Estonias government directly reflects on the sexism in Estonian politics. Estonias mannish and female populations, though equal in size, are not equally politically represented, as shown by the clearly imbalanced gender ratio in their government. Overall, although small steps have been made toward gender equity, sexism and gender inequality are still widely extant, and have led to comparatively less political empowerment for Estonian women.Although womens rights have been improved internationally, many countries still face challenges in establishing true gender equality. Estonia currently faces significant problems for women in many major aspects of society. Originating from Estonias incorporation into the Soviet Union after World War II, gender stereotypes have negatively affected Estonian women to this day. With on e of the largest pay gaps between men and women in Europe, Estonia has a significantly imbalanced gender ratio for employment. Furthermore, sexism has also led to the diminished social and political power of women in Estonian society. Despite the recent improvements that have been made by the Estonian government in the past decade, the economic, social, and political opportunities of Estonian women are still severely limited by gender inequality.

Friday, June 7, 2019


SELF ESTEEM SOCIAL ANXIETY EssaySelf compliments and Social AnxietyThe study searched measures of self- revere and genial care using self-report. Social Anxiety Disorder is someone who has the fear of being social with anyone or anything, said (Rasmussen and Pidgeon, 2011). Low self-consciousness is a cause of Social Anxiety Disorder. Research stated that there is evidence that individuals with social anxiety show low self-esteem (Baumeister Twenge, 2003). (Kocovski and Endlers, 2000) Social anxiety showed that low self-esteem had a gain in fears of negative evaluation, which in turn showed gains in social anxiety. A person who checks themself in a negative way get out think that others are of the same opinion, and this anticipation of negative evaluation of the self capacity result in anxiety in social situations (Kocovski Endler, 2000).It was hypothesized that higher levels of mindfulness would significantly predict higher levels of self- esteem. Recent experimental evidence has shown that mindfulness buffers self-esteem from negatively valenced social experiences, which in turn reduces defensive reactions to social threats. It was hypothesized that higher self- esteem would significantly predict lower social anxiety. It was predicted that mindfulness indirectly predicted lower social anxiety via self-esteem. (Fennel Jenkins, 2004) In this experiment it was an experiment to see the levels of low or high self- esteem, which would inflict a difference on social anxiety. The misbegotten age for this was 23.1 years old. The standard deviation was 6.72. In this experiment the percent of female students was 59%. There were coefficients ranging from 0.82- 0.86 in different studies. Results showed higher increases in self- esteem and said there were lower levels of social anxiety. This study for future research can be questioned like what variables influence the effectiveness in mindfulness devote in relation to self-esteem and social anxiety?These three different study groups could not differentiate on treatment dropout also families were more intrigued by GANA and PCIT, instead of TAU. We even hypothesized that PCIT would outperform TAU. Participants included 58 Mexican- American families. In this clinical sample, the children were in dire need of treatment. As stated, the IV is PCIT (Parent Child fundamental interaction Therapy), treatment as usual. GANA guided active children. The DV stated that there would be lower dropout, higher father participation, better outcomes, higher parent satisfaction. The studies mental status is social cultural. This is social cultural because it is studying the different social groups of different cultures of the society. A new question raised for possible future study is wherefore dropout rates do not differ?(Bandura, A. Ross, D., Ross, S.A) The advancement concerning the influence of the gender of the model and the sex of the children in impersonation of a sample experiment. The number of participants was 72. 36 boys and 36 girls had participated as the imitators of the experiment. The mean age of the children equals 37 to 69 months. The IV with operational definition was Aggressive vs. Non- combative children and same vs. Different sex. The DV is imitative responses (physical aggression, communicative aggression, and non-verbal responses. The result of this experiment was participants who observed fast-growing(a) models scored significantly higher in imitative responses including physical and verbal aggression as well as non aggressive verbal responses. The psychological perspective is social learning. The perspective is social learning because a child observing a behavior from an adult will disturb the way they react to the independent variable of the experiment. A questioned raised to continue this study in the future is how much aggression was transmitted through imitation of the aggressive models?It is important to go about studying hypotheses using diffe rent psychological perspectives because it gives us a better and more accurate hypothesis as well as more accurate results. The study I will discuss further is Mallet Aggression (Bandura 1961). The hypothesis explored in this study was subjects exposed to aggressive models would reproduce aggressive reactions resembling their models and would differ in this of both from participants who observed nonaggressive models and those of no prior witnessto any model. They tested the hypothesis with the psychological perspective known as social learning. Mood personality is another psychological perspective because a participants mood if experiencing anger will show that the individual will be destructive with the mallet after learning from the model. An individual could test the hypothesis with the new psychological perspective by bringing in participants experiencing anger and participants who are not experiencing anger and have them observe the model and see what their reaction is.Referen cesRasmussen, Michael K., Pidgeon, Aileen M., (2010) The direct and indirect benefits of dispositional mindfulness on self- esteem and social anxiety, Anxiety, Stress Coping, 24, (2), 227-233.McCabe, K., Yeh, M. (2009) parent- child interaction therapy for Mexican Americans a randomized clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Child Adolescent Psychology, 38, (5), 753-759. 10.1080/15374410903544Bandura, Ross A., D., Ross, S. A, (1961) transmission of aggressive through imitation of aggressive models, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63, (3), 575-582.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Challenges of Raising a Disabled Child Essay Example for Free

Challenges of Raising a Disabled Child EssayCaring for a churl with a deterioration can be challenging due to parenting responsibilities and the difficulties they encounter when interacting with an often unreceptive environment. Consequently, parents can be at increased risk for excessive levels of personal distress which in scrap can adversely uphold the well being of the child and the entire family unit ( implant Sanders, 2007). Parents of children with disabilities can be at an increased risk for psychosocial distress (Parish, Rose, Grinstein-Weiss, Richman Andrews, 2008 Plant Sanders, 2007).The parenting responsibilities for parents of children with disabilities often require a significant amount of time to complete, can be naturally demanding, can disrupt family and social relationships, and can adversely coin caregiver employment (Brannen Heflinger, 2006 Seller Heller, 1997). Perhaps as a consequence of these additional impacts, family caregivers of children wit h disabilities can be at increased risk to experience depression, visible wellness problems, and decreased quality of life (Feldman, et al. , 2007 Ones, Yilmaz, Cetinkaya, Calgar, 2002).The added challenges of caring for a child with a disability may lead to much stress and greater physical and emotional health risks for parents and their families (e. g. , increased conflict with spouse Murphy, Christian, Caplin Young, 2006) compared to families without a child with a disability (Feldman et al. , 2007). This topic is particularly personal for me because I hunch forward first hand the psychological affects and challenges that a handicap child could accept on parents, family members, and friends. My son was two months when I notice that something save wasnt right on with him.I noticed him favoring one side instead of looking straight ahead. I mentioned my concerns to our family doctor. His doctor didnt see it as a problem. She said to alone continue to watch him. Two months p assed and still no change, so at his next appointment I expressed my concern again. I insisted that she run tests on my son immediately. I knew something seemed different I besides couldnt put my finger on it. I had already had two other boys so something just didnt sit right with me. The doctor sent my son to be tested at University of Maryland Hospital and my son was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus Dandywalker Malformation with Palsy.He had to have surgery at six months to have a shunt placement to drain the water from his brain. I was devastated. My husband and I went through several(prenominal) defense mechanisms. The first I believe was denial. We didnt want to cause the fact that something was injure with our child, our baby. He seemed so perfect when he was born just a few months ago. We went through repression, rationalization and intellectualization. We couldnt wrap our minds around the fact that our child would be different from other children. Nobody wants to believe that something is wrong with their child.I felt a comminuted embarrassed for fear of what people might think close our child or what someone would say. So umpteen things raced around my mind. We wanted to blame the doctors maybe they did something wrong in my prenatal care. I went over in my mind again and again of every little thing I did when pregnant to ensure that I had did everything I was supposed to do. I didnt drink, smoke or do drugs. What happened? We tried to search our family business relationship genetics. We just came up empty. My husband and I became depressed, frustrated, and angry. I felt servicingless about my sons contain.I wasnt sure what to do. Finally, I began to ask my sons condition. I read all I could get my hands on. I searched for schools and other medical resources to help me address my sons needs. In the back of my mind I was still trying to make sense of the fact that my son had a developmental and neurological problem that would affect him for the r est of his life. I wondered what restrictions we would face now and in the future. I still wasnt sure if I could cope with his lack of development neurologically, physically, mentally or emotionally. I began to question God. I wondered why me.I wasnt sure if I would have to stop working. I wondered how we as a family would work in concert to stay a family. I had so many questions, but no answers. I prayed asking God for help and guidance. Later, I began to realize that I had to be strong. I had to accept what the reality was with my son and his disability. It hasnt been easy. We faced many financial problems, medical issues, several hospitalizations for my son, divorce daycare issues especially since my son inevitable twenty four hour daycare. Day care is very expensive as well as diapers and wipes for handicapped children.Insurance covers some things but not enough. A person has to be making next to nothing in order to get any facilitateance from the government we needed financi al aid disregardless of what we made monetary. I would have never known what change families went through to get their voice heard and childrens needs assisted unless I had to face these great challenges myself. So much goes into raising a child with disabilities. There are many variables that factor into taking care of a disabled child. pecuniary hardships are another important factor that influences parents wellbeing.In general families with children with disabilities experience much higher expenditures than other families (Newacheck and Kim, 2005) found that, on average, the total annual health care expenditures for children with disabilities were more than three times as much compared to children without disabilities. The financial strain incurred by families of children with disabilities is likely due to increased expenses related to the childs needs as well as loss of employment or inability to work because of parenting responsibilities (Murphy et al. , 2006 Parish et al. 2 008 Worcester et al. , 2008). Inability to engage in employment can in addition lead to feelings of isolation, a lack of fulfillment and low self-esteem (Shearn Todd, 2000). Families of children with disabilities often report feeling isolated from the community (Freedman Boyer, 2000 Worcester et al. , 2008). What Ive learned from exploreing the challenges of raising a child with disabilities as well as being a parent of a disabled child is that there is still so much more to be done. There is still research that hasnt been touched regarding parents and their disable children.We the parents have to be the voices for our disable children. We have to be give out informed about what our disabled children rights are. We have to be willing and ready to fight on behalf of our disable children. Parents and state officials have to work to get better laws passed to accommodate disabled children. Disabled children need better health care programs, better schools a place for them to be them selves. Parents need a place to relax and not have to worry about dirty looks that people who dont have disabled children give them. Parents shouldnt have to feel ashamed that they have disabled children.We shouldnt be looked down upon because our children are different. Our children shouldnt be bullied or treated like they are worthless. Our children are special. They deserve the best that we can help them to achieve in life. They deserve a chance like the rest of us. Weve got to come together and help each other to provide a better life for all The questions we should ask researchers to study are many. One could be whats being done to assist parents with disabled children? Are there programs to assist parents in child care for disabled children?Normal daycare centers are for infants through 12 years of age. As of today my disabled son is 16 years old and theres really no day care for children his age. Another question is why do they go according to parents income in order to assis t with social security disability? A parent shouldnt have to be jobless in order to obtain assistance from social security disability. Yet a person who walks into social security disability and say my back hurt or that they have a condition can obtain money work the system while the truly disabled suffer.There are so many people working the disability system and really arent disabled. We have to help the programs we have for our disabled children actually help the disabled children. In conclusion caring for a child with a disability can be challenging, but many of these challenges are likely due to a lack of necessary environmental supports. Future research should expand on these findings and policy makers, scientists and providers should give particular attention to the environmental support needs of parents in order to create policies and interventions that are more family centered.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Personal Development in Human Relations

Personal Development in pitying RelationsRobert McGregorSection IIs gentleman Relations (HR) an art or a science? Personally, I believe that HR is a science that must be artfully managed to utilize lessons intentional and outperform practices for improving the well-being and effectiveness of employees within the organization. As our planet be occurs interconnected, via satellites and the internet, it is instantaneously just as easy to communicate with someone across the humans as it is someone across the street. Therefore, it becomes increasingly im airant to gain a better understanding of the different pack and different cultures that enrich our every shrinking planet. HR professionals pitch the very important tax of gathering, education, and organizing the human assets who make the difference for an organizations success or failure.According to DeCenzo and Silhanek (2002) Human Relations is the composite of interactions that peculiarityure between people in all aspect s of their personal and professional lives (p. 2). This broad and all-encompassing definition provides a general baseline for the study of HR and its head principles. However, it is necessary to dig mysterio rehearser in revisal to understand the connections and relationships between the people and the organization. In doing so, it becomes possible to unlock the maximum effectiveness of both.The history of Human Relations, or Human Resources, can be traced adventure to England, where masons, carpenters, leather call oners, and other craftspeople organized themselves into guilds They used their unity to improve their failing conditions (Ivancevich, 2010, p. 5). The industrial revolution brought about a significant diversify to the travel environment and shifted the demand for the men. The introductions of machines in manufacturing propellight-emitting diode the need for workers, supervisory programs, and employers to build the complex sunrise(prenominal) society. Time, effi ciency, and productivity became the only metrics of concern in the workplace.As the population increase so did the demand for mass produced products which propelled the demand for the labor force. The people moved from rural and agricultural aras to fill jobs in the exploitation cities. The economical growth spurred the production requirements. As a result, in 1878, Fredrick Taylor, an engineer in Philadelphia began to study worker efficiency in an attempt to find the fastest and best way to do a job. His efforts summarized scientific management, the focus of job efficiencies (DeCenzo Shilhanek, 2002, p. 12)The manufacturing processes brought about bigger organizations which required increasing the number of workers. The workers, in turn, organized and organize unions to communicate their needs to the managers and owners for better pay, benefits, and working conditions. Ivancevich (2010) observed that in the 1920s, more than firms began utilizing personnel departments to brid ge the gap between management and workers.Researchers from Harvard, Elton Mayo, and Fritz Roelthisberger, started a series of experiments to explore how physical working conditions affected worker productivity. Over the course of a decade, their observations led them to shift their focus to interpersonal relations among workers and management. Sundstrom et al. (2000) documented the Hawthorne studies research and prime that employees needs and desires to croak to a group proved more influential than monetary incentives and good working conditions at improving employee productivity. This investigation into human factors and the work environment began human relations movement.Much like the advent of machines during the industrial revolution, todays technology pushes multifariousness to organizations and the labor force they employ. The need for HR is vital now more than ever for firms that want to remain relevant in the global economy. Globalization has forced the concern environm ent to evolve, thus strongly influencing the organizational behaviors of managers and workers of today.Laptops, iPads, and smartphones have mobilized the workplace. In addition, the immediate ability to connect has abolished the nonion of managing locally. Firms now have offices around the nut and supervisors, are no longer limited to their geographic location. They must know and understand their new workforce who live in different countries, practice different religions, and come from vastly different cultures. The HR professional is report to bridging the new geographic, cultural, communication gap that now separates employer and employees. The valuable human relations information necessary to aid organizational communications both linguistically and culturally, emanate is the responsibility of the HR team who must shape and develop the most valuable asset to the firm people.Technology is forever advancing and pushing economic growth. Therefore, change will always be a part of the organizational structure. This means future workplace will be vastly different than what prior generations could have ever dreamed. Meister (2010) predicts that the next decade will usher in companies and origin models that are unimaginable today, and will dramatically change how we live, work, learn, communicate and play. However, people will still be at the core of the sociable club. HR will be needed to continue aiding in the interpersonal relationships necessary to make everything and everyone work unitedly.Section IIMy coursework in Human Relations provided a solid foundation of the three primary areas of study. I found the organizational module especially interesting and selected it as my literature area of emphasis. The organizational aspect of Human Relations provides a significant challenge to the HR professional. Large or small, simplistic or complex, the HR department must understand completely the company and its mission in order to recruit, train, and employ t he best most efficient workforce needed. Ultimately, people make the organization and it is the job of the HR team to fit people into work an environment that will motivate them to work together harmoniously.As a field of study, there are many different facets to the organizational setting that must be considered. The nightspot for Human Resource caution (SHRM) has highly-developed a competency model which details the knowledge requirements the HR professional needs to service of process meet the needs of the company (SHRM, 2016). The organizational behavior, structure, culture, strategy, diversity, and quality of breeding are just a few of the areas of competencies the HR team provides guidance on to the management team when they are strategically managing people as business resources.According to author Stephen Robbins (2014), the goal of studying organizational behavior is to understand and predict human behavior in organizations. Several different specialties, such as psych ology, sociology, and anthropology, contri stille to the comprehensive literature for human behavior. While they are not as concrete as the laws of physics or chemistry, understanding these disciplines allow the HR professional to generalize about human behavior and how it will impact the organization.The organizational structure is identified by Hitt, Ireland, and Hoskission (2015) as the titular reporting relationships, procedures, controls, authority, and decision-making process. The U.S. soldiery has a very ridged and formal chain of command organizational structure however, human behavior still drives the culture and customs. If change is to be do within the organization, it must begin with the people.HR is one of the central vehicles for creating culture change (Grundy and Brown, 2003, p. 171). Many organizations focus on changing the organizations culture in order to improve performance and becoming more competitive in the marketplace. This is best accomplished by aligning the HR strategy with the organizations overall strategy for the business culture. Edgar Schein (2010) defines culture asA pattern of shared basic assumptions well-read by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and knowledgeable integration, which has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.An organization determined to change their current culture will often release a large number of employees such as CSX laying off 1000 managers or Hershey terminating 2000 employees (Utermohlen, 2017, Wattles, 2017) These forceful changes should be made with the HR team in full understanding of the personnel requirements desired for moving forward. They must get the people part ripe then the strategy and execution will happen.A diversity strategy is another important consideration for todays global organizations. As companies branch out into new developi ng countries, it is important to consider the idea of differentiation and integrations. Morgan (2006) refers to this as requisite variety the internal regulatory mechanisms of a system must be as diverse as the environment in which it operates (p. 44). Basically, the employees of a multinational company should reflect the suppliers with whom they work and customers whose business they wish to attract. Humphrey and Stokes (2000) predicts that twenty-first-century caliber supervisors must understand the mean of building a dynamic team is to enhance performance and to grow a successful organization of the future.Diversity is a complex and challenging strategy for the HR leader to manage. Some of the employees within the company will be unwilling to agnise the need to integrate as well as to see the discriminatory nature of their actions. HR must be proactive in protecting the organization from undivideds who fail to understand Federal Employment Laws and potentially jeopardizing the company with potential litigation. Employers must be careful when they treat similarly situated employees differently because discriminatory intent can be proven by every direct or circumstantial evident (Muller, 2013, p. 152). Legal ramifications due to discriminatory practices can destroy an organization. The HR professional should be proactive in training all provide members on the importance of diversity, acceptance, and inclusion as well as the dangers of discrimination.Organizations often depend on human resource professionals to help fight positive relations with employee (Noe et al., 2016, p. 10). I believe the art of human relations management relies on the knowledge, experience, and competence of the HR team and it is a major carry of what makes a business work. A stable and appealing workplace with a content workforce are more likely to attract and retain the best employees, maintain loyal customers and adjust to the ever-changing marketplace.These concepts were very apparent in the organization I was fortunate to work for during my internship. The personnel were very well trained, the work environment provided a comfortable place to work with challenging tasks that made a difference on the world stage. The communication both up and shoot the chain was clear and effective without being condescending or overbearing. Workers were allowed to have meaningful input on assignments and feedback from supervisors was timely and on target. The training and skills I learned both through my classroom literature and my internship experience, prepared me very well for the supranational relations challenges that I will discuss in the next section.The HR professional must be prepared to utilize a wide array of skills, techniques, and competencies to meet the organizations needs for a stable work environment. They should also continually add to their toolbox by remaining current in new trends in the human relations field. However, they can never forget at the end of the day, it is all about the people. The human talent that makes the company great. Authors Sartain and Finney (2003) noted that companies depend more than ever on the unique contributions, passion, commitment, and heart of every single individual within them (p. 104). I am excited about the HR community and its future.Section IIIThis country recently completed a presidential election that will have social repercussions for years to come. The shift in our new government is having a tremendous social impact, both domestically and abroad. It reverberates around the globe as so-called enemies and allies work to determine exactly how to reestablish their relationship with America.During my internship, I experienced first-hand Americas political and social interactions with many other nations information how critical the human element is to the negotiation and agreement on issues important to the national security of our country and its allies.Understanding and relating social t heory to actual social practice is critical when working with the delicate intricacies of human relationships in a highly charged political environment. This is perfectly illustrated by the situation faced by former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn. He ultimately resigned because he allegedly overstepped in his discussions Russian leaders, and his behavior potentially violated the Logan turning (Miller Rucker, 2017). This will be discussed later.Over my 26-year military career, I have held a wide range of positions from Dental Assistant to Helicopter Pilot. However, my brief internship in the unusual Affairs Office for the Commander of Naval Forces Europe has had a profound impact on my understanding of human relations. In my primary function as a pilot, I naturally held leadership positions that correlated with the rank that I held.My aviation units did not have HR departments to hire, train, and help manage workers. As leaders, we merely did it all. I grew inclined to tak ing care of my people and for the most part always giving orders. When a new person reported on board, I reviewed their records and arranged for the training they needed. If they had pay or benefits problems, I sent them to our administrative department to get them fixed. All basic HR functions were handled in-house.Although we had general leadership training, we did not have formal training in human social relations. I gave orders and they were obeyed, if not then the offender was disciplined. Sounds a little draconian, but military units are focused on accomplishing a mission that often puts lives in danger, not for sensitivity groups wanting to get in touch with our feelings. So I grew accustomed to dealing with people in a certain way. This mentality would rapidly change as my internship progressed.Lacking a formal HR department, I chose to do my internship with the local strange Affairs Office. The Foreign Affairs Officer (FAO) is a specific career path in the U.S. dark blue. The officers are specially trained to for a variety of diplomatic assignments around the world.Navy FAOs maintain knowledge of political-military affairs familiarity with the political, cultural, social, economic, and geographic factors of the countries and regions in which they are stationed and proficiency in one or more of the dominant languages in their regions of expertise. (Navy Personnel Command, 2017)These skills I would have to learn through on the job training.The function of the FAO office in Europe is to plan and commit operations, provide liaison with exotic militaries operating in coalitions with U.S. forces, conduct political-social-military activities, and execute military-diplomatic missions. This is known as Theater Security Cooperation.I was assigned to help in the Black Sea department of the FAO office during a unique time. Russia had recently annexed the Crimean Peninsula by force from the Ukraine. Many of our NATO allies were deeply concerned that President Putin would not stop there and continue to push his forces into other neighboring nations and eventually occupy the entire Black Sea region (Treisman, 2016). The FAO office was tasked with coordinating meetings and activities to tranquilize our allies of Americas commitment and support to NATO.In the beginning, my role was to coordinate simple maritime interactions with Turkey, Bulgaria, and Romania. I learned to work with our embassies in those countries to set up port visits by U.S. ships. Having our troops in their cities was a big boost of confidence to our partner nations. I also organized Passing Exercises (PASSEXs), these are maneuvering drills that the ships do together to render honors to each other as they pass. This seemingly simple activity required considerable coordination as numerous messages must be sent back and forth from our commanders to our embassy over to their embassy to their commanders. However, these engagements provide a sense of comradery. In my opinion, it is reflective of the findings from the Hawthorne studies mentioned in earlier which show the strong intrinsic desire for human beings to belong to a group.We continued to plan activities to reassure our allies. I took on the daunting task of arranging and organizing a Secretary of the Defense to visit Constanta, Romania. Another task that sounds simple, however, requires a tremendous amount of preparatory work to execute smoothly. The diplomatic coordination required was astounding to me. Especially in light of the recent Russian and Ukraine hostilities. The minute attention to social protocols and customs were particularly challenging.The visit extremely well, projecting the desired effect of NATO unity. However, I was admonished by my supervisor for failing to delegate. Due to the elegant nature of the information, all the details were reviewed by the senior officers before approval. Trying to do everything myself, and lacking formal diplomatic training, I happen to miss a f ew necessary items that could have impacted the trip. Fortunately, my supervisor caught my errors before they became an issue.Official diplomatic negotiations were another aspect of the FAO liaison duties I was able to observe. The United States and Romania hold to build a U.S. military installation in Romania. The specific details required for construction had to be discussed at length in very formal diplomatic meetings. I was fortunate to attend two of these meetings.The process is long and drawn out with extensive cultural activities that must be considered and observed. Our European hosts enjoyed tour and drinking coffee before a meeting started. It would be offensive if we did not partake in this ritual before getting down to business. This was a big part of the social theories that I had to put into practice.It was interesting that while a lot was said during the official meeting, the real agreements were worked out during the breaks when counterparts could talk offline and come to an understanding. However, as Mike Flynn learned, you have to be very careful what you discuss during these moments. The Logan Act basically forbids any citizen of the United States, from promising or influencing any foreign government or agent thereof, any disputes or controversies without proper authority (Legal Information Institute, 2017). Our partners always want more than we are able to give and it is supreme that we refute them without insulting them. Communicating skills are vital for building successful professional relationships.My final major event was planning, directing, and executing all aspects of the Eurasian union Dive exercise (EP Dive). EP Dive is a multilateral interoperability event, involving over 30 Officers and Sailors from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Romania, and Ukraine. The goal is to promote Theater Security Cooperation as well as increased maritime stability within the Black Sea Countries.This exercise demanded all of my leadership, communication, and human relations skills without being in a combat environment. I led a team of 4 junior officers. We obtained approval and funding, then planned the facility, the equipment, the translators, and the rooms. We enabled over 30 divers from different countries, with different languages, and different cultures, to conduct coordinated, military, deep sea dive exercises for a week without incident or injury.The EP Dive engagement exemplified the purpose of the Foreign Affairs Office to build cooperation and interoperability while enhancing field of honor security. This is done by engaging the human element in the spirit of friendship and not battle. As an organization, the FAO office faces many challenges, however, through creative use of human relations skills, they work to resolve issues in the European community. Cooperating with diverse international staffs, U.S. Embassies, and U.S. State Department personnel, the organization meets the ever changing demands of our p artner nations.It is exhausting to be critical of this organization as I was completely impressed the FAO department. They are well suited to meet the needs of the international community with whom they work. The staff is exemplary, and they are managed and trained very well in the art and science of human relations. It was a pleasure getting to know some of the smartest people I have ever met. I was immediately accepted as part of the team even though I lacked their formal training and language skills. My supervisor provided solid guidance while still allowing me to learn and operate independently. The demands of the job are never ending as the political climates around Europe change almost day to day. They must continually adapt to fluctuating needs of the partner nations. Therefore, my only cheeration would be for more exceptional personnel to help relieve the stress. Otherwise, they are successful at accomplishing a difficult mission.I truly enjoyed learning by doing. I made m y fair share of mistakes, but I learned from them. Fortunately, the lessons I learned in Grad Studies, the techniques acquired in Stress Management, and the understanding I gained in Organizational behavior helped me adjust right away to the international relations community. I interacted well with foreign counterparts and gained a breadth of experience in relating to a diverse community. I did not cause an international incident, so I would say this internship was a very successful venture. I can now see myself potentially working for the State Department in the future by using the human relations skills that I have learned in this program to make difference help our allies. The European Foreign Affairs Office for Commander of Naval Europe is an organization I would be happy to work for again and one that I would highly recommend as an internship opportunity to future Oklahoma University HR students.REFERENCESDeCenzo, D., Silhanek, B. (2002). Human Relations Personal and Professio nal Development (2nd ed.). upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall.Grundy, T., Brown, L. (2003) Value-based Human Resource Strategy. Burlington, MA Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann.Hitt, M., Ireland, R., Hoskisson, R. (2015). Strategic Management Competitive and Globalization Concepts. Boston, MA Cengage Learning.Humphrey, B., Stokes, J. (2000). The 21st Century Supervisor Essential Skills for Frontline Leaders. San Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.Ivancevich, J. (2010). 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Essentials of Organizational Behavior (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Pearson Education.Schein, E. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass.Sartain, L., Finney, M. (2003). HR from the Heart Inspiring Stories and Strategies for Building the People Side of Great Business. New York, NY AMACOM.Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). (2016). The SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge 2016. Retrieved from https// bodyofcompetencyknowledge/pages/default.aspxSundstrom, E., McIntyre, M., Halfhill, T., Richards, H. (2000). Work groups From the Hawthorne studies to work teams of the 1990s and beyond. Group Dynamics Theory, Research, and Practice, 4(1), 44-67. Retrieved from https//, D. (2016 May/June). wherefore Putin Took Crimea. The Gambler in the Kremlin. Retrieved from https//, K. (2017, February 21). CSX Corporation (CSX) Layoffs Company to Cut 1,000 Management Jobs. Investor Place. Retrieved from http//, J. (2017, February 2 8). 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