Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Election Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Election - Essay Example According to The New York Times, for republicans, the surefire pickups are Montana and West Virginia, and to some extent Dakota too. Kentucky and Arkansas are also likely to be republican giving the republicans 47 sure seats. States like Iowa, Colorado and Iowa, seem to be leaning towards republicans giving them 50 sure seats. Therefore, my guess is that republicans will secure at least 50 senate seats. If my guess is to be based on the statistics going round on the internet, then it is clear that the GOP candidate Terri Lynn Land is going to loose. According to an article found on Detroit news, the National Republican Senatorial Committee is considering thinning its funding support for her campaign race, additionally, most polls conducted show that she is well behind her competitor Democratic Congressman Gary Peters. According to a poll conducted for The Detroit News and WDIV (Channel 4), Gary Peter leads Terry Lynn 44 percent to 35 percent (Livengood). A more recent poll shows that the gap has further widened with the democratic congressman building a commanding 15 percent point lead over republican Terri Lynn (Spangler). Based on this information I would guess that Terry Lynn Land will receive around 30 percent of the votes and average of the probable polls taking into consideration factors such as margins of error and voter’s tendency to side with the winning team James Robert Redford, because of his impressive resume that encompasses the time he served with The Navy Judge Advocate General Corps, as well as his current position as a Navy Reserve. He is also widely considered efficient in the courtroom and is admired widely for his integrity, collegiality and judicial temperament. He is also a strong advocate for fairness in the courtroom. David Viviano, this is for the reason that he has on numerous occasions proven to be a capable judge, and also insightful. He is also a strong

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