Sunday, January 12, 2020

“Rainbow’s End” by Jane Harrison Essay

The instinctive need for humanity to belong is through acceptance of one through relationships and their social status in society. When an individual seeks acceptance in the wider world in order to belong, it is up to them as to whether or not they are accepting of others. This idea is challenged as society is the boundary preventing an individual from trying to belong. This notion is expressed throughout the play Rainbows End by Jane Harrison and the film The Sapphires directed by Wayne Blair. Whereby both composers use various techniques to explore the belief that one seeks to belong through relationships and culture. An individual may feel that to truly belong they must discard all differing thoughts. In a way finding a way to be accepted is the focal point of belonging. This idea is demonstrated in the play Rainbows End, in the â€Å"Waters rising† scene whereby the audience is under the impression that an individual seeks to belong through acceptance within a relationship . Further In the scene, we see Errol asking Dolly to move into the city with him, through the exchange of dialogue between Errol and Dolly. Errol says â€Å"I want you to come away with me† with dolly responding â€Å"Away?† and Errol â€Å"Yes to the city†. Through the use of a demanding tone in Errol’s voice â€Å"I want you† indicates Errol is able to offer a better life for dolly. Symbolising the idea that acceptance in a relationship can make one feel as though they belong, to the point where they can live together as one. As a result, the viewers can understand that both Errol and Dolly are accepting of each other and the different worlds they come from. In a similar way, Wayne Blair explores the idea that a sense of belonging can emerge where there is a perception of acceptance without limitations. This is illustrated in the film The Sapphires whereby Dave is accepted into Gail’s family and asks her parents for her hand in marriage, the humorous dialogue between Gail and Dave and Gail’s father saying â€Å"Marriage eh? That’s fine I suppose but you’ll have to learn about ceremonial law†¦spears and duck under boondies†¦want to go shooting?† As a result of the choices taken upon by Dave and Gail it has led them to marriage. Emphasizing on the idea that there are no limitations as to how far Gail can go with her relationship with Dave. As a result being accepted without limitations brings about personal satisfaction that is both Dave and Gail feeling a sense of belonging to each  other. In another manner, Jane Harrison challenges the idea that no matter how far one goes to be accepted in order to feel they belong. It does not always bring personal satisfaction. This is illustrated further on in the â€Å"Queens’s visit† scene where Gladys comes home disappointed as she didn’t get the chance to see the queen. This is highlighted in â€Å"if they’d given us proper houses†¦ but hessian! Like a band aid over a sore†, through the use of an angry tone, the audience can depict the desperate measures Gladys has gone to that is the white gloves and dressing up to look presentable did not bring personal satisfaction due to her address, cultural background and socio-economic background. This is further exemplified in the connotations of an exclamation mark in â€Å"but hessian!† indicates Gladys’ furiousness. Furthermore, through the use of a simile in â€Å"Like a band aid over a sore† specifies the aboriginal community is the sore that needs covering up, which is done by the hessian. In a similar way ones social status can be challenged if they are from two worlds. This is evident in the scene whereby Gail and Cynthia interrupt Kay’s Tupperware party with her â€Å"white† friends. Through the use of costuming the audience can see Kay has adopted the fashion of the white community. This is evident in the use of a close-up shot on facial expressions of the four women, disgust verse embarrassment. Gail looking in disgust and Kay in embarrassment, highlights Kay’s social status is important to her as it makes her feel as though she belongs. In this case Kay belonging to the Australian society, which is predominantly â€Å"White†. In conclusion, the instinctive need for humanity to belong through relationships and social status can affect the choices individuals make and direct their actions. This notion is challenged throughout the play Rainbows End and the film the sapphires whereby the need to belong is through acceptance of others in relationships and social status, although may not always bring about personal satisfaction to the individual trying to belong, it can also bring disappointment. 2. Into the World The French Prisoner by Janos Pilinszky and The survivor by Tadeusz Rozewicz Entering new worlds may be easy for one to do, although it is the memories held within the past that can have ripple effects on an individual’s future. It is the actions  undertaken by the individual in the past that can affect them mentally and psychologically. This notion is presented in the poems The French Prisoner by Janos Pilinszky and The Survivor by Tadeusz Rozewicz. Whereby both composers have used various techniques to illustrate the idea that memories in the past can leave a feeling of guilt and remorse on an individual’s future, especially when trying to enter new phases in life. Past experiences depicts how one lives their life in the future, it is up to the individual as to whether or not they can move on. This view is illustrated in the poem The French Prisoner whereby the persona is reliving the memory he has of the French prisoner. In the use of Binary opposites â€Å"Joy and revulsion the same as happy and unhappy†. Emphasizes the personas loss of control of himself as a person due to a guilt-ridden memory he has of the French prisoner that is not helping him escape when he had the chance. This is further highlighted in the use of disturbing imagery in â€Å"the bare palm that crammed at his mouth, and clung there so that it ate, too† shows the viewers of the desperation of the dehumanised prisoner eating like an animal. As a result of this memory the persona, has become mentally unstable to the point where it’s almost as if he is the French prisoner reliving this guilt. In a similar manner, Tadeusz Rozewicz has explored in a similar way that recollections from previous events can impact one physically. As one tries to enter into a new journey of self-discovery it may be difficult to do so if there is a constant reminder of events that happened in the past, stopping them from doing so. This is evident in stanza one through the use of violent imagery in the connotations of â€Å"led to slaughter† illustrates the pain and suffering they had gone through, as a result of this not being able to move on into a new life in the future. This is further revealed in â€Å"I survived† meaning he physically made it out of such horrifying events. Furthermore, through the use of binary opposites â€Å"man and beast, love and hate, friend and foe† tells the audience how mentally disturbed he is that he cannot tell the difference between synonyms and antonyms. As a result of this, the trauma the persona had gone through personally within the past shape how they live they’re life in the future. This is illustrated in the distorted reality in â€Å"virtue and crime weigh the same† indicates the views of the world from his eyes are inaccurate due to witnessing the horrific events of war. In conclusion, an individual trying to move into a new  journey of self-discovery may find it difficult to do so especially when they have horrific recalls of the past. This concept is carried throughout the poems The French Prisoner by J.P and The Survivor by T.R. Where both composers emphasize that moving into new phases is not easy and takes time to adjust to it, physically and mentally especially when the persona is carrying a sense of guilt and remorse.

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