Monday, May 13, 2019

Strategic Management of HR Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategic Management of HR - judge ExampleThis paper will present a short report on this company from hypothetic perspectives on SHRM while focusing on external factors based on information available in the companys website and other literature sources before identifying some key challenges and proposing recommendations to tackle those challenges along with net opinions. 2. The Walt Disney Company As per their website, the Walt Disney Company and its subsidiaries group is a world leading international family entertainment and media try with five business segments media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment, consumer products and interactive media. Disneys vision statement is To make quite a little happy (Plenert 2002 77), and this they wish to accomplish through their mission, which states, To be one of the worlds leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to break up our content, services and consumer products, w e seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world, (Erling, 23). ... hile strategical management models strive to address companys internal and external factors, the external factors stand start even before starting a business and also throughout the life cycle of the business. 3.1 biography cycle model Considering the life cycle model, put forth by Sisson and Storey (2000 cited Marchington & Wilkinson, 2005), Disney can be categorized in the maturity phase after its rapid growing into locations worldwide during last decennary its standardized policies and procedures have been translated to suit the local needs and obligations. Although Disney continues to acquire and grow, its growth strategies seem to be in saturated markets, considering the evolution of advanced technology and systems, favourable economic conditions and regulations, which in turn are just now sufficient to sustain its business. The re cent acquisition of Lucasfilm and all of its franchisees, which has not only added greater value to Disneys brand but also increased its share value in the US market (Cieply, 2012) also indicates that the company still continues to grow and expand while maintaining its standardized policies. The life-cycle perspective shows Disney fluctuating between growth and maturity phases. Resistance to change, adaptability of old strategies to new conditions and employee motivation and commitment are common issues that need to be addressed. 3.2 Harvard model Gaining an understanding of the external factors is crucial for strategic decisions that can eventually spell the success, or military operation of the organisation. The Harvard strategic management model, proposed by Beer and his associates (1984, cited Marchington & Wilkinson, 2005) identifies two critical factors that influence management, namely, situational and stakeholders interests, with the former

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