Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ancient Chinese Contributions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Ancient Chinese Contributions - Essay Example Among of these ancient Chinese inventions or contributions include the movable type printing, toilet paper, porcelain, harnesses for horses, ship’s rudder, deep drilling, iron pillows, seed drill, compass, and row planting (Listverse Com, 2009, 207-210). Of the identified Ancient Chinese inventions or contributions, the four most ingenious or innovative inventions are the movable type printing, compass, porcelain, and toilet paper. The movable type of printing could be the most useful invention or contribution from the ancient Chinese, specifically from the Song Dynasty. History has a proof of how printing has evolved during the ancient times of Chinese in which, the first printing has produced a printed book from full-page woodcuts. Innovative approaches were tried back then to improve the quality and time of printing. Bi Sheng is one of the person who has developed innovations in the existing printing set up and has made reusable and typesetting techniques to clay-fired char acters (Listverse Com, 2009, 210). Due to its authenticity, the technology was not perfected until 1450s and after the emergence of metal type printing in 1490s. Without the printing technology that was brought to us by the ancient Chinese, historians might not have relay to us historical events, cultures, and customs which were attributed to ancient Chinese and other races. In addition, the discovery of printing technology has been very useful in the transfer of knowledge and in communication among nations. During the feudal period, the invention of a Chinese maritime compass have also been of great help in aspects of travel, exploration, and barter (exchange of goods). Sea explorers have adapted the use of compass at sea during 10th or 11th century to find the countries with rich number of resources or spices (Pelt & Matthews, 2010, 37). It has also been used for on land as a divination tool and as a direct finder. Unaware of the scientific breakthrough which this ancient inventio n has created, compass is ingenious to the ancient Chinese as it has served the foundation for thermoremanence technology. Because of the continuous innovations for the development of compass, ancient Chinese mariners has produced thermoremanence needles to replace lodestone spoons. In addition, the discovery of compass has paved the way for meeting other nations that could help in the exchange of goods, improvement of geographical knowledge, and enrichment of culture. Meanwhile, porcelain could not only be one of the most useful inventions or contributions but the most visible reflection of ancient Chinese influences. Porcelain was invented during the time of Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD) and was made from a mineral compound which was known for strength, translucence, and beauty (Listverse Com, 2009, 209). Chinese porcelain has been valued for its uniqueness as a very specific kind of ceramic was produced by extreme temperatures of a kiln. Back then, ancient Chinese used porcelain for c rockery purposes; but now, it is often used for aesthetic purposes as the beautiful cravings or inscriptions on the porcelain reflect the rich cultural arts of ancient Chinese. In addition, porcelain is also used as a material in the bathroom and in crown replacement for natural teeth in dentistry. Without this beautiful and artistic invention or contribution, pottery would be known to the world and the materials for bathroom or dentistry purposes would not be

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