Tuesday, October 1, 2019

United States and Foreign Policy Statement

De Loom letter 5. Filipino revolutionary leader 6. Roosevelt received a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating the peace treaty for this war 7. Act that established Puerco Rice as an incorporated territory of the LISA 8. Amendment to the USA war declaration against Spain that asserted Cuban independence after the war 9. Rebel insurgents who hoped to expel foreigners from China 13. Name of the voluntary Calvary unit credited with capturing San Juan Hill 16. City in which the Spanish-American War peace treaty was signed 18. U. S. Battleship that sank dramatically in Havana harbor in 1898 19. Renegade Mexican revolutionary hunted by the U. S. For 11 months 20. Nation that denied the U. S. Bid to constructs canal through the isthmus of Panama 22. Territory the William Seward arranged for the USA to purchase in 1867United States and Foreign Policy Statement By Rolls-Trace after Queen Ill surrendered her throne 1 1 . Policy initiated by Secretary Hay that called for free trade in China 12. Harb or in the Philippines that was captured by Commodore Dewey 14. Tabloid reporting that sensationalists the news in order to investments 17. Belief that it was America's divine right to control all the territory legitimated U. S. Intervention in Mexico 7. Act that established Puerco Rice as an incorporated territory of the USA 8. Hunted by the U. S. For 11 months 20. Nation that denied the U. S. Bid to construct a

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