Wednesday, August 28, 2019

American Foreign Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

American Foreign Policy - Essay Example A global hegemony cannot be decided based on public opinion. What matters is international legitimacy which comes from global coalition of willing nations. This is something which US continues to gain ground in thus proving that it is not in a decline. The US has taken the international community as a whole. However, it is worth pointing out that some of this has taken place in a rather begrudging manner. Its position as the world’s super power will only start to decline when the allegiances to the nation break down. America still wields influence, leadership and persuasion in the international stage just as it did decades ago. One clear illustration of this strong influence is its ability to set international laws and at the same time be able to ignore them as it is accountable to no other state in the world. Military power has always been an integral part of hegemony (Jerel and Scott 2014, 60). This was quite evident during the World War period where nations which had the strongest military wielded so much global power in terms of political economy and relations. USSR and the USA were leading in this. Military power depends entirely on economic resources which are at the disposal of the state. It is something which the US has making it the nation with perhaps the most sophisticated military. The US is still moving in a path of progressive and democratic governance. It recognizes the freedom of the press, religion, association and expression. This has earned it legitimate allies that look at the nation as a role model. Despite the fact that it is no saint when it comes to these governance issues, it has a legitimate team of allies that allow dictating stability and global shifts in terms of relations. Arguments have been put across that the growth of economies in certain world countries like China is causing a decline in US influence in global policies. However, this is not true as the economic growth in other nations will

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