Thursday, August 22, 2019

Discussion about the human life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion about the human life - Essay Example Destruction of human life is a consequence of reckless and irresponsible driving amongst many drivers. When people get deployed, sacked or fail to pass their final exams, we get irritated but at least our lives are not endangered. When we are on the road, however, irresponsible motor vehicle drivers are more than irritating: They put our lives at risk and many of us have witnessed careless, reckless, incompetent drivers exchanging lanes, not observing road signs and traffic lights. For example nearly or hitting down pedestrians in a pedestrian crossing. A number of bills to regulate proper use of roads (Traffics Act Rules) have been introduced in state legislatures , the time has know come to push for their enactment as these regulation is will help careless, reckless drivers seriously impaired. There is no doubt that reckless driving cause traffic deaths and permanent disabilities. Not observing road signs and other Traffic Rule Acts have caused many fatal accidents leaving many phy sically and emotionally challenged. Physically the casualties either lose their legs or either part of their body. While emotionally they become somehow mentally retarded due to ether accident, divorce, life challenges, and religion. Some quotes that attempt to provide an insight on the above discussion include: â€Å"I profoundly agree with you, and I`ve always felt that one of the things that is wrong with religion is that it teaches us to be satisfied with answers which are not really answers at all (236)†; â€Å"When it’s gone, you`ll know what a gift love was. You`ll suffer like this. So go back and fight to keep it† that talks about enduring love. In addition, McEwan describes life experiences when he asserts that â€Å"although you think the world is at your feet, it can rise up and tread on you.† There are other quotes that describe the position of McEwan in respect to life when he asserts that â€Å"the cost of oblivious daydreaming was always t his moment of return, the realignment with what had been before and now seemed a little worse† (201). This quotes talks about proximity in life experiences. McEwan (178) points out that â€Å"a story was a form of telepathy. By means of linking symbols onto a page thoughts and feelings from her mind to her reader`s. It was a magical process, so commonplace that no one stopped to wonder at it.† Question Two Atonement is an aspect allowing individuals who have committed some crime or are involved in unethical practices to gain freedom from mental anguish and torture arising from the guilt o being a criminal. After engaging in many criminal activities, Briony is still not ready to atone for the same. In her final scene with McAvoy and Knightly they describe what she must atone for her sin. She does not do this â€Å"I no longer saw what purpose it would serve† (McEwan 198). From the perspective of Briony’s crime, it is not easy to forgive. Briony felt betraye d at the fountain not only that Robbie had sex with her younger sister but also turned up not knight she also waited for long so the lie developed into a disease of guilt. Through her we get the two major issues; jealousy and betrayal. â€Å"Save me â€Å"scene Robbie perception of what went wrong with Briony and herself. Briony telling Fiona it happened when she was 10 years old and she tells Robbie â€Å"I love you†. At the same time Briony knew all that happened at the fountain, from her view Robbie ordered Cecilia to strip down to her underwear and go into the fountain Robbie too attacked Cee in library. In real sense Lola was not raped but was engaging in consensual sex. â€Å"Save me† scene Broiny shows us jealousy where she jumped into the river to show her love issue. The purest â€Å"

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