Friday, August 9, 2019

Can Machiavelli's theories be used to justify the actions of Marx, Essay

Can Machiavelli's theories be used to justify the actions of Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Putin totalitarian actions - Essay Example 2). He does this by exploring various examples to illustrate various means of obtaining and keeping power. Machiavelli held the philosophy that using virtue and force was best because the moment a prince obtained territory by use of armies and strength, it would be simpler for them to keep control over their jurisdiction (Machiavelli & Woonton 34, 45). A noteworthy point is that for Machiavelli, the concept of virtue implied strength and manliness. Machiavelli was also of the philosophy that a leader ought to possess evil qualities since that way it would be easier to cling to power (Machiavelli & Woonton 51). Machiavelli, for example, argued that being feared but not feared was more preferable than to be loved. Machiavelli also argued that it was not necessary for a prince to be trustworthy. Machiavelli lived up to some of the principles he wrote. He used his skills and schemes to rise through the ranks in the government of Florence. There was a time he was close to magistrate a position he used to push for the use of militia in the state. This corresponded with his view in The Prince w here he advocated for the use of local militia over mercenaries (Machiavelli & Woonton 45). Machiavelli was made to be in charge of the militia when Florence finally got an army. He demonstrated great military astuteness that lead to the capture of Pisa. He finally lost his position and was never able to rise again. It is often hard to discern which philosophies are right and which are wrong when comparing the two literary works; that of Karl Marx and that of Machiavelli. Machiavelli’s ideas are what many people would regard as unethical. As a matter of fact, his ideas were so unpopular in his own country, Italy, that he got exiled. Karl Marx on the other hand, presents a theory about capital that is self-contradicting. For example, Marx argues that Capitalism results from the business

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