Thursday, August 8, 2019

HCI Reading Journal - Journal #3 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

HCI Reading Journal - Journal #3 - Research Paper Example According to Heim (2008), this can be done by putting oneself in the user’s shoes to be able to understand their needs and requirements. Secondly, know the users for which the interface is intended. By studying them, you will be able to develop a seamless interface that adequately meets the user needs. Since my project involves creating a user interface for a sales system, I saw it prudent to visit some of the sites. As a user of this interface I found it so easy to choose a product after some suggestions such as; most viewed, most purchased, don’t miss, most popular among other suggestive tags. From this I learnt that items with suggestive tags will have a high chance of being viewed and even purchased. Therefore, as a user interface designer, one must consider the possibility of aggregating related content in one interface to ease navigation of the user (Dillon, 2003). Most users will seldom dwell on the layout and the structure of the interface but will go straight to the content. According to Dillon (2003), in order to effectively engage users of an interface, the designer must get the content of the interface right. One could have a perfect design for an interface with shallow content that will not effectively the client. Design is a magnet but the content is what keeps the user coming back again and again. I tried to compare between the design interface for two social sites; Face book and Twitter. Face book has a more interactive interface that has options for posts, messages, image and video communication. On the other hand twitter is simple with fewer graphic but more messaging. However, despite the differences the two sites have almost equal users due to the content in each interface. Most designers will think users have no idea or will not realize several aspects of the user interface. This is not the case in the current society. Users visit several sites and interact with man interfaces on a daily basis. In this

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