Monday, September 23, 2019

Deaf community Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Deaf community - Essay Example They usually feel that they are primarily a linguistic minority and are not in any need of healing for their situations than are other minority groups such as Hispanics and Haitians. The Deaf community has got social values and norms specific to their society, which are passed down from one generation to another and recruits its members in an exclusive style. Generally, human culture within Deaf community is passed down from one family to another. Since 90% of all deaf children have got two hearing parents, it’s only a minority of Deaf community members that obtain their distinctive social skills and cultural identity at their homes. Most children who are deaf learn about deaf culture, mostly from other children, in schools for the Deaf, dormitory leaders and teachers. The Deaf community is very cohesive and nonetheless their cultural link is also very strong and usually a high percentage of the members, around 90% do marry within the group. Made up of individuals using the American Sign Language, as their basic way of communication, members of the Deaf community have over their history of 150 years expanded a wealthy folklore and social life. Through the ir very own individual efforts to cater for their own wants, Deaf individuals have been able to organize national wide and international networks of religious, social, athletic scholarly, literary and dramatic organizations catering for local, national and international memberships. For instance, every other four years, the World Games for Deaf, that is (the Deaf Olympics) do coalesce athletes who are deaf from several countries for competition of international awards. There are other Deaf Organizations through which the Deaf community has impacted the society; Gallaudet University-is the world’s leader in career development and liberal education for the deaf and other students hard of hearing. The university is

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