Monday, September 9, 2019

Final Research paper Ryves Youth Center Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Final Ryves Youth Center - Research Paper Example ought by family members, peers, and social circumstances on a regular basis such as substance abuse, violence, or extreme poverty† (Miller 10)} are faced with complex issues that pose hardships in their life. These problems are largely felt by the family members, relatives and the society. In order to help these â€Å"at risk youth†, many youth centers have been established in the United States. Among these centers is Ryves Youth Center which offers services to children described as â€Å"at risk†, who have experienced physical and sexual abuse, illiteracy, and substance abuse among others. Since its establishment in 1982, Ryves Youth Center has been in the front line to offer guidance and assistance to these young Americans. Most of the children who go to Ryves Youth Center can be categorized as â€Å"at risk youth† as they come from single parent homes, from a poor background and with no one to turn to. For this category of children, Ryves hall take cares of them. Most of these students enter Ryves hall with low esteem, lack of education, hunger, and obviously face unemployment. Some of the activities offered by Ryves hall include basketball, volleyball among other recreation activities. Therefore, it can be argued that Ryves hall is part of the change desired to change the lives of these young Americans. In corroboration with Ryves Youth Center, is the Ryves Community Optimistic Club. The club was established in 2011. Its mission is to assist the youths of the Ryves region by supporting Ryves Youth Center. Ryves Youth Center accepts children from all backgrounds regardless of their social, religion or economic status. According to Ryves Community Optimist Club, approximately 95% of the youth who go to Ryves youth center live below the poverty line and the majority of them are homeless (Para 4). Ryves Community Optimist Club attempts to provide help to the youth center in order to assist them realize their dreams and meet their needs. This includes facilitating

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