Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Foundations of Scholarship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Foundations of Scholarship - Assignment Example A corporation may have a low or high level of employee involvement in the daily processes that require decision making. Corporations that have a greater degree of employee participation in various functions allow their workers to be able to make decisions about different planning processes. Employees also feel that their opinions are treasured by the company executives, and feel that the company seriously considers their interests. On the other hand, a low level of employee involvement in functions such as decision making is indicative of the existence of a restricted planning process in which only the company’s executives are involved. Advantages of Including Workers in Corporate Decision Making There are many reasons why it is important for company heads to foster a corporate culture in which the opinions of workers are taken seriously (Williamson 2008). While this type of structure has not been popular in the past, it is more considerate of workers and makes them feel appre ciated by the corporations they work for. It also encourages loyalty from the workers. Additional reasons why encouraging employee participation in a corporation’s decision-making processes is important are: It improves the employees’ morale: Engaging the staff in the decision-making procedures increases the general morale. Many corporations have a distinctive separation of power between the employees and the management. The implementation of employee participation can successfully reduce this gap; thus encouraging more constructive communication between employees and their supervisors. Once employees are allowed to contribute during decision-making, workers will believe that their ideas are a significant contribution to the company they work for. This empowers them to have the confidence to influence the result of their efforts; thus bringing about increased job satisfaction (Singh 2009). Involving employees in making decisions is also likely to make them more product ive. This is because the employees will feel that they have a personal stake in running of the corporation, and thus wish to see their personal contributions bring about the successful realisation of the company’s objectives. The increase in trust that is demonstrated by a corporation’s executives can also inspire employees to expand or advance their skills in order to prove that they are deserving of that trust. Such efforts mean that there will be more effort in production processes which results in more profitability (Scott- Ladd, Travaglione, and Marshall 2006). Improvement in Teamwork- When workers are allowed to contribute towards decision-making, they have the opportunity to state their views while also listening to those of their colleagues. In this way, the workers gain knowledge from each other and thus develop a sense of comradeship that positively affects any joint exercises that may be conducted. Saving Internal Resources- When employees are used in the pr ocess of decision making, the company in question has the chance to save on time as well as money that might have been used to hire specialists or consultants. The company will also benefit because it saves money by taking the advice of people who work closely with the machinery and so are in a better position to understand what may be needed. The Practice of

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