Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The effect of advertisement on consumer behaviour Research Paper

The effect of advertisement on consumer behaviour - Research Paper Example Literature Review The review of literature of the effects of consumer behavior on advertisements have been done with the review of the several factors that guides the consumer behavior and the influence of advertisements in catalyzing those factor that stimulate consumer behavior and decision making for purchase of products and services. The aspect of consumer behavior encompasses the response of the customers from the point of viewing the product to the point of making decision for purchasing it and then going beyond to value the experience after purchase to decide on the acceptability of the product in the long term. The decision making aspect is the most important part of consumer behavior which is influenced by the advertisers through their attempt for promotion of the product and service in the market (Hutt and  Speh 67). The first step that the consumers go through after seeing the product and the service is the recognition of need of the product for use in future. Once the c onsumer has recognized the need of the product, it is considered by them for the purpose of evaluation. In this stage the consumer studies the various options available and the substitutes of the product in the market. In order to judge the aspect of the value for money, the consumer behavior takes into account the relative cost and benefits of the purchase. By comparing the competitor products and the substitutes, the consumers decide to purchase the product based on the several characteristic features which are unique to different age groups of the consumers. These features of the products that influence the consumer behavior and the decision making for purchase are the quality, price, durability, guarantee, discounts, post-sale service... This "The effect of advertisement on consumer behavior" essay outlines how advertisements have influenced the consumer behavior of the young population of Qatar. The consumer behavior of the age group of 18-26 years in Qatar and the effects of advertisements on the consumer behavior of the said age group has been analyzed as follows. Qatar has attracted international investments in the various sectors of the economy and the top retail chains in Qatar have identified this opportunity to set up establishments and expand their business in Qatar. The big names that have tapped the potential consumer demands in Qatar are Carrefour, Marks and Spencer, etc. In this highly competitive market, advertisements by these companies have played a crucial role in influencing the consumer behavior in Qatar. The analysis of the consumers of Qatar in the age group of 18-26 years reveal that this target customer segment is young and energetic which follows the latest changes in the technological advance ments and is aware of the value for money spent for purchase of products. The analysis of the sample questionnaires reveal that the consumers of the age group of 18-26 years in Qatar closely follow the advertisements of the products that they use. These consumers in the Qatari market prefer to socialize with the products by identifying as the best possible option that would satisfy their needs. These consumers are updated with the happenings of the market and even follow the advertisements of the products that they do not use (Kozami 94).

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